In this post, I’ll walk you through various aspects of some of the best sound-absorbing materials available on the market to help you make an informed buying decision.
The good news is that you can try these sound-absorbing materials even though you’re on a shoestring budget.
These sound-absorbing materials are quite effective and budget-friendly.
Well, soundproofing a room isn’t as easy as it seems.
The process of soundproofing may sound easy, but we never give credit to the amount of effort that one puts into selecting optimum soundproofing materials/sound-absorbing materials to make the project a huge success.
Though human beings are termed “social animals” it wouldn’t be wrong to say that we need our own space and privacy.
In an attempt to achieve complete quietness, we take all the possible steps, including spending our time and money.
But, if the end result gets messed up, we feel like we’ve lost everything.
So, today I’m gonna share with you my experience of using various types of sound absorbing materials.
Most of the sound-absorbing materials that made it to our list for this year have been used by my team over several years, and definitely, these sound-absorbing materials have played crucial roles in the success of our soundproofing projects across verticals.But before, I dive deep into the topic, allow me to walk you through some basic information related to sound waves.
If you’re an avid reader of this blog, then you’ll be well aware of the fact that sound waves travel in all directions from the source to the receptor via a medium such as water, air, etc.
Note: Sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum.
At times, the movement from source to destination is interrupted by solid surfaces known as “obstacles”.
Interference 1: The obstacle is very hard, and thus the majority of sound waves bounce back causing echoes.
Interference 2: The sound waves continue vibrating in the surrounding structures, as an impact noise.
So, to deal with the aforementioned cases, you’ll have to use the right set of sound-absorbing materials.
Note: Sound-absorbing materials play a significant role in reducing echoes, reverbs, and vibrations.
To extract the maximum of the sound-absorbing materials, you need to be well aware of the functioning of the different kinds of sound-absorbing materials.
In case, you’re new to the soundproof domain, then please keep reading, I’ll walk you through the functionality of every sound-absorbing material that made it to our list.
Hope it helps!
So, without any further ado, let’s begin our in-depth discussion on sound-absorbing materials.
What Are Sound Absorbing Materials?
If you’re a soundproof enthusiast, then it goes without saying that you must be well aware of the terms “soundproofing” and “sound absorption”.
Or, are you among those who believe that both the terms “soundproofing” and “sound absorption” mean the same?
Well, this is the most common misconception that newbies have.
In fact, both these terms denote two different strategies to tackle noise-related problems.Soundproofing materials are used when one wants to prevent the sound from entering a room or vice-versa.
The function of soundproofing materials mostly revolves around the blocking of the noise.
For example, if you want to block the traffic noise, music from next-door neighbors, etc., then you’ll need to install soundproofing materials.
On the other hand, sound-absorbing materials don’t play any role in blocking the sound waves from entering or leaving a premise.
So, what does absorbing material do?
The sole role of the sound-absorbing material is to improve the acoustics of the room or the place where it is installed.Not clear?
Okay… let me make it simpler.
The sound-absorbing materials are meant to deal with the echoes, reverbs, and vibrations that are caused by the sound already present in the room/area.
Hope it makes sense.
For example, these materials can be used to enhance the audio quality of music produced in your home studio.
How can I differentiate between soundproofing materials and sound-absorbing materials?
Well, an inquisitive question, indeed.
I also had the same query in my mind when I was just starting my career in the soundproofing domain.
Soundproofing materials are quite heavy and dense whereas sound-absorbing materials are light, soft, porous, and fluffy.
Sound absorbers and sound diffusers are synonyms of the sound absorbing materials.
So, next time, if anyone says that I want sound diffusers, then it simply means that he is looking for sound-absorbing materials.
Well, the structure of the material plays a significant role when it comes to sound absorption.
The soft and porous nature of the sound-absorbing materials helps them absorb a certain portion of the sound wave rather than reflecting it back on interaction.
As a result, you can expect a reduction in the reverberation time which leads to decreased noise and echo making way for clear and audible indoor sound.
Can I accomplish the superlative result by simply installing the sound-absorbing materials?
The answer could be as simple as it DEPENDS
Nonetheless, it is you who can say about your requirements and accordingly how much you achieved.
It varies on a client-to-client basis.
Nevertheless, I’ll try to the best of my capabilities to help you with a generic answer.
Does it sound good?
It goes without saying that for overall sound insulation, you’ll need to employ both soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials.
Well, these two complement and support each other to give you the result that you’re looking for.
Nonetheless, if you’re only looking for a solution for reverbs and echoes, then you can bet on sound-absorbing materials.
Types of Sound Absorbing Materials
Let’s have a quick look at types of sound-absorbing materials.
Porous Absorbers
As the name suggests, porous absorbers are made of porous materials.
These porous materials work on the principle of converting one form of energy into another.
The sound waves when interacting with the porous surface can easily penetrate through the surface of the material and flow into the fibrous structure, and there these waves are dampened and converted into heat.
Don’t worry about the intensity of heat energy, it is less than one-millionth of a watt:)
Still need some explanation?
In layman’s language, the porous sound-absorbing materials convert a high portion of sound waves into heat energy.
As a result, only a small portion of the sound waves will reflect back from the porous surface into the room.
Some examples of porous absorbers are carpets, curtains, open-cell foams, mineral wool insulation, glass fiber, etc.
Membrane(panel) Absorbers
Membrane absorbers are non-porous and non-rigid materials.
Many of my clients have overlooked the membrane absorbers just because of their solid appearance.
You may also get confused with their appearance and feel like these membrane absorbers may not absorb sound.
What an irony, isn’t it?
However, if you’re looking for a product that can combat high frequencies, then the membrane absorbers aren’t the ones that you should bet on.
You can find membrane absorbers in your day-to-day life.
For example, windows, doors, floors, tables, chairs, etc. work as membrane absorbers.
Resonance Absorbers
Resonance absorbers work on the concept of acoustical oscillation.
It consists of an acoustical oscillation system where there is a solid plate on the front end with tight air space behind it.
The material used in these plates plays a significant role in the performance of the resonance absorbers.
For example, you can expect plates to be made of perforated materials such as metal or perforated plasterboard with the presence of holes or openings.
These holes play the devil’s advocate:)
It acts as a bottleneck that traps the sound waves and locks them into the space behind the materials.
So, I have tried to the best of my capabilities to walk you through the basic information related to the best sound-absorbing materials.
Moving further, We’ll have an in-depth discussion on the best sound-absorbing materials.
Best Sound Absorbing Materials Review
Welcome, to my list of best sound-absorbing materials.
You may expect the first few materials on the list as household items.
The reason is quite simple, “Why not start with the materials that you’ve already access to?”
Maybe in the middle of the list, I’ll introduce professional acoustic products.
It goes without saying that the latter category is gonna be more effective as compared to the household materials, but you also need to understand that you’ve to pay a good price for bringing professional high-end products home.
Once you’re aware of all the types of products that we’re gonna discuss in this post, I can assure you that it will be very easy for you to make a smart and informed decision.
Hope I made my point:)
Soft Furniture
- What comes first to your mind when anyone says “soft furniture”?Sofas and cushions, right?
- I can bet that most of you are not aware of the fact that by simply selecting the right furniture, you can expect a decent improvement in the sound quality of your room.
- So, what can you expect as an end result?
- If you’re an avid reader of this blog, then you’ll be well aware of the fact that when it comes to soundproofing a room, the first thing that I recommend is moving your furniture in the room.
- The strategic placement of sofas and other soft furniture totally depends on the problem you’re trying to solve.
- The thing that really fascinates me is that you’ll have a decent outcome with the things that you already have in your home.
- Again there is a trap.
- Not all the furniture will be able to absorb sound.
- For example, the big cushiony sofas are the perfect choice for acoustic enhancement of the room.
- In fact, the interiors of these sofas consist of foam, and thus, you can expect a tangible improvement in the acoustics.
- Moreover, when selecting a sofa for the acoustical purpose, you should also keep in mind the importance of the fabrics.
- For example, leather covers are more reflective than soft fabrics.
- So, in case, you own a leather sofa, then the best thing that you can do is to smother it in cushions and blankets.
- Once done, you can expect improvement in the performance of your leather sofa. (Check premium quality furniture prices on Amazon)
- Sofas and furniture are great at reducing dampening the sound traveling across the room.
- However, you also need to look for sound-absorbing materials that can work great when it comes to soundproofing floors, ceilings, and most importantly walls.
- A carpet can be used for all three surfaces: ceiling, wall, and floor.
- For example, if you’re struggling to combat the noise made by footsteps, then simply placing the carpet on the floor can serve your purpose.
- Yes, it’s as easy as your thought process.
- At the same time, if you’ve got a neighbor downstairs, then having a carpet on the floor can drastically reduce the vibrations that you’re passing to them.
- These carpets can be a boon to combat the noise of the footsteps even in the office.
- Simply, you need to go for wall-to-wall carpeting.
- As a thumb rule, the thicker the carpet the better it will combat the noise.
- But, what to do if your carpet isn’t thick?
- To be honest, getting a memory foam carpet underlay (Check the Current Price On Amazon) will serve your purpose.
- You can imagine the memory foam as a half-inch thick cloud that you could slide under your carpet to give it the required thickness.
- Finally, the end result is that the purpose is solved without investing in a new carpet.
- Why only floors?
- You can also use thick carpets on your walls and ceilings- not to mention a quirky design choice:)
Yes, you heard it RIGHT!
Painting can help you to eliminate reverberations.
In the case of bare walls, the majority of sound waves bounce off because of the hard surface of the wall.
You need to cover the wall with objects like paintings and tapestries to reduce the bounce rate.
Needless to say, anything that is soft as compared to your wall surface is good to go with.
To achieve a tangible outcome, you’ll need to place a big painting on the wall that can cover a major portion of the wall.
You can even place a large number of small paintings that can cover the entire wall.
Personally, I feel tapestries as a good substitute for the paintings.
These tapestries are huge and you can expect them in a dimension of 90 by 90 inches and above.
The benefit of using tapestries is that they can add some mass to the wall, and thus can also act as soundproofing materials.
We’ve already discussed before that the idiosyncratic feature of soundproofing materials is that it has mass and density.
Recently, I completed one project where I added soundproofing materials to the wall, and then covered it with tapestries for aesthetic and absorbing purposes.
I recommend the cotton tapestries.
These are very effective as well as budget-friendly.
So, even though you’re on a tight budget, you can try these cotton tapestries. (Check the Current Price On Amazon)
Sound Absorbing Egg Cartons
Are you also the one who thinks that egg cartons can be used for the purpose of soundproofing?
Well, then you need to read further to know the use of egg cartons.
Frankly speaking, egg cartons don’t have the capability of blocking the sound from entering or exiting the room.
Have you ever had a chance to come across egg cartons?
If yes, then you would have definitely felt that the egg cartons are too thin to block any noise, right?
But, at the same time, you would have found people placing the egg cartons on their walls creating doubt in your mind, right?
Well, today I’m gonna clear all your doubts with respect to egg cartons.
People place egg cartons on their walls to get rid of the room echoes.
Just think of a cotton tapestry, it is thin still it is able to absorb sound waves, and the same holds true with the egg cartons.
For the best results, you can combine/fill egg crates with other sound-absorbing materials.
Now, I hope you’ve got a fair idea about the egg crates.
Regular Curtains and Blankets
According to my assumption, every home has curtains and blankets.
And, today I’m gonna tell you the best way to use them to combat echoes, reverbs, and vibrations.
Trust me, it is one of the cheapest solutions that you can think of.
Similar to the carpets, you can use the curtains & blankets on the walls, ceiling, doors, and windows.
I would highly recommend you to try this option because it will not cost you a single dollar, right?
In layman’s language, if you hang regular curtains on the wall of your room, then it will reduce the percentage of sound waves bouncing off the wall.
The reason is simple, curtains, as well as blankets, are soft as compared to the hard surface of the wall.
Sound Dampening Window Films
- I hope I’ve covered almost all the household materials that we can use for sound-absorbing purposes.
- You should definitely try the aforementioned methods before making a foray into the “acoustic product” category.
- But, at the same time, if your requirement is very specific, and your expectation is very high, then it is highly advisable to directly try the acoustic products.
- As mentioned earlier, household materials have a performance limitation.
- They can reduce echoes, reverbs, and vibrations to a certain extent only.
- You may not be aware of the fact that the glasses are very conducive and reflective when it comes to sound, so why not start with the windows?
- The glass pane of the doors and windows can easily cause echoes and vibrations upon impact.
- A few months back, I tried vinyl film in one of my soundproofing projects, and the final result was mind-boggling.
- So, moving further, I’ll share with you my experience of using sound-dampening window films, and how it made all the difference.
- The single-pane windows that my client had in her bedroom would shake so much every time a heavy vehicle would drive past them.
- I said to my client that the window wouldn’t have been fragile if something like the sound-dampening film had been holding it tightly.
- As a soundproof consultant, it was one of the moments in my career that I would love to cherish.
- On a personal note, I myself never thought before that noise-proofing window films can really do wonders.
- All the credit goes to my presence of mind
Sorry, for being boastful
- The thing that really grabbed my eyeballs was the relative thinness of these window films.
- A newbie will never believe that these soundproof window films will do wonders after seeing the thinness.
- In spite of being so thin, the plastic of the window film (Check the current price on Amazon) will definitely soften the glass pane on the windows.
- Since the window film has the properties of Vinyl, you can expect the film to absorb some of the impact of sound waves on the glass.
- The client wasn’t satisfied with the performance of the plastic window films.
- So, to enhance the performance, I coupled the window films with the soundproof curtains, and the result was something that my client would have never expected.
- Well, if you’re new to the soundproofing world, and have no idea about soundproof curtains, then keep reading, I’m gonna discuss it in the next section.
- Does it make sense?
Soundproof Curtains
- Without any doubt, soundproof curtains are one of the most promising soundproofing solutions available on the market.
- Compared to regular curtains, these curtains are thicker, heavier, and denser.
- Some of the high-quality noise-canceling curtains are so dense that it wouldn’t allow even 5% of the sunlight to pass through them.
- Wait, there is more to the noise-dampening curtains.
- They also act as a thermal insulator and will keep your room warmer in the winter and vice-versa.
- In short, you can expect a decrease in your electricity bill.
- It has been found that some high-end acoustic curtains are also good at blocking noise because of the tight weave of high-quality fabrics.
- If you think tapestries are good, then let me tell you, the performance of acoustic curtains will drive you crazy.
- All these curtains have to do is prevent the sound waves from hitting the hard surfaces in the room such as walls, windows, doors, etc.
- Bonus Tip: For the optimum result, you need to have certain pooling on the floor.
- As a soundproof consultant, I’ve got an everlasting relationship with these heavy soundproof curtains.
- I not only use it for soundproofing windows and soundproofing doors, but I also use it to cover less attractive soundproofing solutions, especially on the walls. (Check out my recommendation on Amazon)
Soundproof Room Divider Curtains
- As the name suggests, soundproof room divider curtains are acoustic curtains used to create a noiseless and private space in a room.
- Most of the soundproof curtains are differently colored on the front and the back.
- They use triple weave technology, which means they have three layers, but the first and the last layers are of different colors.
- In the case of acoustical curtains, both the layers having different colors don’t matter much because these curtains are mostly installed on the windows, doors, or even walls.
- However, this flaw is removed in the case of the soundproof room divider curtains.
- Both sides will have the same colors, and it is also important from the point of view that the soundproof room divider curtains are hung inside the room to create a noiseless zone.
- For example, if you want to hang it in the middle of the room, then you’ll definitely want the colors of both sides to match.
- Unlike soundproof curtains, these acoustic curtains have only two layers of fabrics sewn together back to back.
- I’ve personally used this soundproof room divider curtain (Check the current price on Amazon) to create a soundproof space in my office.
- The good news is that these soundproof room dividers can create privacy in just a couple of minutes without much investment. So, even though you’re on a shoestring budget, you can try these curtains.
- Bonus Tip: To take the soundproofing capabilities of soundproof room divider curtains, you can open the room divider, and attach MLV inside.
Moving Blankets
- Similar to soundproof curtains, these moving blankets fall under the category of effective soundproofing solutions.
- You’ll be astonished to know that the primary purpose of these moving blankets was to protect the furniture and household appliances during their transportation from one place to another.
- Definitely, there is a reason for it.
- These moving blankets provide enough padding to tackle any kind of collision.
- At the same time, they are also dense enough to withstand the weight.
- You may not be aware of the fact that until a few years back musicians and audiophiles were using moving blankets to linen their walls.
- It didn’t take long for the manufacturers to understand the importance of these blankets, and also what the majority of people were using them for.
- Soon, the moving blankets were rebranded as soundproof blankets, and the rest is history.
- The manufacturers analyzed the needs of the market very well, and they made the changes accordingly.
- You’ll find many of these blankets with grommets embedded along the sides.
- Another good thing about the soundproof blankets is that you can use them along with MLV, similar to curtains.
- I found this blanket (Check the current price on Amazon) quite effective in dealing with unwanted noise.
Acoustic Partitions
- As a soundproof consultant, I got an opportunity to use and recommend a wide variety of soundproofing products.
- Without any second thought, I can say that acoustical partitions are one of my favorites.
- Again, acoustical partitions are also among the top recommended products when my clients are looking for effective sound-absorbing materials.
- However, I haven’t found them great at blocking noise, so I refrain from recommending them for sound blocking.
- From a reference point of view, you can expect a similar outcome as soft furniture.
- But, are you aware of what really acoustic partitions are?
- For example, if you’ve been to a corporate office, you would have definitely found spaces divided into cubicles, right?
- Today many companies use acoustic partitions for the purpose of creating spaces for their employees.
- Acoustic partitions are great ways to provide privacy protection to your clients.
- The good news about these acoustic partitions is that you can use them for both home purpose as well as office purposes.
- You can use the acoustic partitions in the office to distinguish various employee spaces.
- In your apartment, you can use it to distinguish your sitting area from your dining area even though they are technically part of the same room.
- One of my favorite uses of acoustic partitions is to barricade the working areas from the walking areas.
- Though they can be used for multiple purposes still they are quite affordable.
- Don’t believe me? (Check out these acoustic partitions on Amazon)
- So, what are you waiting for?
Acoustic Foam Panels
- You can consider acoustic foam panels as a synonym for porous materials.
- These foam panels can be easily installed on walls and ceilings.
- They not only prevent the sound waves from heating the hard surface but also trap them inside the foam.
- The industry standard for foam panels is 12 by 12 inches.
- However, you can also find panels of other dimensions such as 24 by 12 inches.
- One thing you need to keep in mind while shopping for these panels is that they can be in packs of 4, 6, 8, or 12 pieces, so you buy that pack that caters to your needs.
- Another important thing to look for is the thickness and foam patterns.
- You’ve got a wide range of designs to choose from.
- Some of the popular shapes are egg cartons, waves, and mazes.
- Bonus Tip: The shape doesn’t impact the absorbency of the product, but the thickness does. Recall the thumb rule, the thicker the panels the better they will combat noise.
- I’ve found a few of my clients getting worried after buying the foam panels.
- Can you guess?
- Well, they are confused about the process that they need to follow for the successful installation.
- Today, I’m gonna share with you the two installation processes that I recommend to my clients.
- Hope it helps you to come out of the dilemma.
- The easiest one is to use a soundproof adhesive such as green glue to install the panels on your wall.
- In case, you’re looking for a method that can give you the feasibility to easily remove the panels as well as rearrange them, then I would vouch for simple straight pins. (Check my recommendation on Amazon)
Acoustic Bass Traps
- Acoustic Bass Traps are to some extent similar to acoustic foam panels.
- However, the good thing about the bass traps is the unique design they come with.
- The bass traps can be installed in the corner of the rooms, between the two walls, and also between the walls and the ceilings.
- Bass traps have two surface perpendicular to each other that fits in the corner of the room, and the third side is exposed to the room.
- The side facing the room can have a flat, spiky, or stair-shaped texture.
- You can expect the size of the bass traps to be compatible with that of foam panels.
- They come in different colors, but the most prominent one is charcoal.
- Again, if I’ve to talk about the dimensions, then you’ll find these bass traps in two main shapes: 12 inches * 12 inches, and 24 inches * 12 inches.
- Well, I’ve always vouched for the Auralex bass traps (Check the current price on Amazon) whenever I’ve to give priority to quality over quantity.
Sound Absorbing Fabric Panels
- In case, you’re looking for a superior alternative to bass traps, then sound-absorbing fabric panels are the product that you need to consider.
- The fabric panels have a solid wood frame, and the whole thing is wrapped in fabrics such as burlap and microsuede.
- The dimension of the product is 24 inches wide, 36 inches long, and 2 inches thick.
- Furthermore, the thickness speaks for itself.
- Without any doubt, a superlative product to combat unwanted sound.
- Though I always recommend adding insulation under the drywalls still you can use these fabric panels to add insulation on the walls.
- If you’re a DIY kind of person, then I’ve got a piece of good news for you.
- You can make your own acoustic fabric panels with very little effort.
- The materials you’ll need for the DIY project are some insulation, a wooden frame, some fabric, a nail gun, and a stapler.
- Finally, it is you who has to take a call, whether you wanna buy a fabric panel or go the DIY way.
- However, whatever is your preference, the end result will be good. (Check the current price of ATS Acoustic Panel on Amazon)
Sound Absorbing Vocal Panels
- The Vocal panel is the last product that made it to our list. (Check the Current Price On Amazon)
- As the name suggests, these sound-absorbing vocal panels are used for very specific purposes.
- It goes without saying that this product is exclusively used by the musicians.
- The product is so effective that I could refrain from adding it to the list.
- As a soundproof consultant, I have done several projects related to soundproofing home studios and similar ones, and the success of these projects I owe to these vocal panels.
- Have you ever had a chance to record your voice?
- If yes, then you could easily recall the foam panels that encircle the microphone to prevent it from picking up echoes.
- I’ve always asked my clients to try the vocal panels by Neewer. (Check the Current Price On Amazon)
- I’m vouching for these vocal panels because of my longtime association with these products.
- My favorite one is certainly one of the best vocal recording panels that I’ve ever come across in my ten years of career as a soundproof consultant.
- The shape of the panel is so enticing, 3 stationary pyramid-pattern foam panels in the middle with 2 foldable ones on each side.
- Personally, I believe the structure of these vocal panels leads to a perfect setup.
- I can assure you that these panels will help you to achieve the purest form of sound with minimal disturbance.
- To take the outcome to the next level, you can add a blanket on the top.
- Don’t worry in case you’re on a shoestring budget, you can make something similar to it.
In this section, I’ll be taking queries from my readers and my clients as well.
I’m assuming that many of you would be having a similar query.
Hope it helps.
Is Thermocol a sound-reducing material?
Sound-reducing material is a very wide category.
In fact, both the sound absorption as well as sound blocking material come under sound reduction, right?
Thermocol can’t block the noise because it doesn’t have mass and density.
However, at the same time, it is made of foam, so you can expect it to behave similarly to foam panels.
Does wool absorb sound?
Allow me to explain to you what exactly wool does to the noise.
The visco-elastic properties of wool play a significant role in the entire process.
It converts the sound energy into heat energy, and you can say that wool absorbs the sound waves.
For example, you can consider wool carpets a feasible option to combat the low-frequencies sound waves.
At the same time, the result will be different in case you replace the wool carpet with the nylon one.
Does rubber absorb sound?
You can expect the result from the rubber materials to be similar to a hanging carpet or mattress on the wall.
Until and unless the rubber is engineered to absorb sound, it will not absorb sound.
However, installing it on thin plywood walls may reduce the echoes to some extent.
Wrapping Up the Best Sound Absorbing Materials Review
I hope that you found the answer to your query.
At least, I can expect that you’re well aware of the functioning of different sound-absorbing materials.
Needless to say, today’s acoustical market has loads and loads of products, and you’ll definitely find the one that caters to your needs.
I’m assuming that the newbies now have a sound knowledge of sound-absorbing materials and what they are used for. Let us know your feedback in the comment section.
It helps us to improve the quality of content.
Secondly, let us know your favorite sound-absorbing materials. In case, your favorite sound-absorbing material couldn’t make it to the list, then let us know why we should include it:)
Last but not least, please share this post with the ones looking for similar information.
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