How To Remove Green Corrosion From Faucet?

Beginner Info, Faucet, Kitchen

How To Remove Green Corrosion From Faucet
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Well, in this post, I would be walking you through beginner’s friendly steps that will help you in getting rid of green corrosion from your faucet.

All the methods that we would be discussing in this post are quick, easy, and hassle-free.

In fact, you can expedite almost all of them without a need for expert guidance.

We’ve been recommending these methods to our clientele and the feedback that we’ve received so far is encouraging and positive.

So, without any further ado, let’s begin…

If you’re dealing with corrosion of your faucet for the first time then at the first glance it might sound to you as a tedious and time-consuming task.

But, the reality is far different from your assumption.

Unfortunately, your faucet can get corroded due to numerous reasons including hardware and environmental factor such as temperature.

Needless to say, rusting of your faucet will not only degrade its appearance but also lifespan so you need to be very careful in dealing with such problems.

On top of it, corrosion can also hamper the performance of your faucet.

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Best Ways to Remove Green Corrosion from Faucet

The good news is, you don’t have to worry so much about your corroded faucet.

All you need to do is to follow the below-mentioned methods, and you’ll easily get rid of your green corroded faucet, interesting, isn’t it?

Use of Undiluted White Vinegar Solution

From my past experience and the knowledge that I’ve gathered over more than two decades, all I can say is, vinegar is among the best cleaning agents, and trust me, it will never disappoint you when it comes to getting rid of green corrosion from your faucet.

First thing first, you need to pour vinegar solution into a small basin.

Then, dismantle your faucet if possible and soak its rusted part into the solution.

Allow the solution to do its work for at least 15 minutes.

Afterward, remove the dismantled parts of the faucet and wash them using clean water.

Then, dry them.

You might be wondering what if I’m not able to dismantle the green corroded faucet, right?

Well, in that case, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • Pour one or two cups of white vinegar into a plastic bag
  • Then, you need to wrap the bag filled with vinegar on to the spout
  • You need to make sure that the vinegar flows into one corner by holding it at an appropriate angle
  • Furthermore, it should slide over the fixture in a proper manner and most importantly, submerge the muzzle
  • In order to reap maximum benefits out of the aforementioned step, you need to leave the muzzle as it is for at least 24 hours
  • Untie the bag
  • After 24 hours, you can do away with the bag and its contents
  • We recommend pouring the vinegar into the nearby drain as it got no effect
  • Fortunately, it can help cleaning down the drain as well
  • Scrub
  • You need to have an old toothbrush handy after you’ve removed the bag
  • With the help of the toothbrush or a soft cloth start scrubbing your faucet
  • The green corroded regions need to be scrubbed harder
  • Rinse
  • With the help of towel you need to dip it in cold water
  • Rinse the faucet till the time the dirt is fully gonna
  • Use a cloth to dry your faucet

Use Oxalic Acid for Removing Green Corrosion

Oxalic acid can give you good results when it comes to removing green corrosion from your faucet.

Prepare a solution of Oxalic acid by mixing 250ml water with 25 ml acid.

Pour out the mix on your corroded surface and leave it for around 30 minutes.

Then, wash your faucet with clean water.

Now, with the help of a smooth and clean cloth dry your faucet.

Oxalic acid is a potent chemical agent so you need to be careful while applying it to your faucet.

Wear gloves to protect your skin against acid.

Most importantly, refrain from breathing in the acidic fumes as it can cause you excessive health problems.

Oxalic acid gives you the desired result when it comes to getting rid of green corrosion from your faucet.

Furthermore, it also improves the effectiveness and appearance of your faucet.

Use of WD-40

WD-40 can give you an exceptionally good result when it comes to dealing effectively with green corroded faucets.

First thing first, you need to clean your faucet with a clean cloth in such a way that specks of dirt, debris, etc are removed from it.

Spray WD-40 on your faucet in such a way that green corroded regions are fully exposed.

With the help of a wire brush scrub the green region.

Use clean water to rinse your faucet.

Dry your faucet with a dry cloth or a towel.

WD-40 will not only remove the green corrosion but also give your faucet a new look.

In order to prevent green corrosion of your faucet in the future, you can apply WD-40 once in a while.

Use of Citric Acid

I’ve applied citric acid on my corroded faucets and other objects in the past, and I was fully satisfied with the outcome.

The acid is strong enough to help you get rid of green corrosion.

You would be needing a plastic container in which you’ve to pour citric acid.

Add a little amount of hot water to the citric acid.

Once the mixture is prepared pour it on the green corrosion and allow it to settle for at least 45 minutes.

Wear a pair of gloves to keep your skin safe.

Afterward, scrub the green corrosion present on your faucet.

Rinse the residue with clean water and dry up the faucet with a clean cloth.

The end result will never disappoint you.

Use Lemon Juice Paste

You need to prepare lemon juice paste using lemon juice and salt.

Once the paste is prepared, clean the layer of dirt, debris, and food particles present on your faucet with the help of a towel.

If needed, use warm water for cleaning the faucet.

Now, sprinkle salt over the corroded region and make sure it is fully covered.

Once you’re done with a sprinkling of salt, the next thing that you need to do is to apply lemon juice over your faucet.

Allow the paste to settle by giving it ample time. ( 2 to 3 hours)

Clean the green corrosion by rubbing the area using a brush or a soft cloth.

Wipe the paste off and using a clean cloth and dry it off.

If needed, repeat the steps.

Use of Baking Soda

Baking soda has been used over the years for cleaning household items including cleaning green corroded faucets.

It gives extremely good results when it comes to cleaning the exterior region of your faucet.

For the best result, you need to disconnect the tap from the pipe.

But, before that, you need to disassemble your faucet so that cleaning the corroded area would be a breeze.

You need to ensure that you’ve left the faucet open and it is upside down.

Get a small amount of baking soda and pour it on the exterior as well as the interior.

With the help of a smooth brush scrub the corroded area.

Using clean water rinse off the residue, wash it, and finally, fit it on a pipe.

Also, you can use a paste of warm water and baking soda for cleaning the green corrosion.

Apply the paste on the green corrosion and allow it to rest for at least 15 minutes.

With the help of an old toothbrush scrub the impacted area in such a way that the green corrosion gets removed completely.

Afterward, rinse using clean and warm water.

Then, with the help of cloth dry the faucet completely.

The end result would be a crystal-clean faucet completely free from green corrosion.

In order to prevent further corrosion of your faucet, you can expedite the aforementioned steps once in a while.

Use of Aluminum Foil

My favorite and one of the most effective ways to get rid of green corrosion on my faucet is the use of Aluminum foil.

To begin with, get an aluminum foil and ball it up to medium size.

Dip the balled-up foil in the water on the tap. When dipped in water, it will gently scrub the rusted areas.

On top of it, Aluminum is capable of removing the rust through a chemical reaction.

Well, the chemical reaction between aluminum and the components forming corrosion brings about its removal.

If needed, you can repeat the step, and trust me, you’ll never get disappointed with the end result.

I’ve been using this method for quite some time and till now it has never let me down.

It’s A Wrap Up

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your notice that I along with my core team have put loads and loads of effort in coming up with this idiosyncratic superlative piece of information on the topic, how to remove green corrosion from the faucet.

And, in case, you liked our effort and wants to appreciate us then please do share this post with like-minded people and the ones who are in search for it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

It’s a known fact that corroded faucets can be annoying at times.

Not only can it drastically hinder the apperance but also degrade the lifespan of your faucet.

However, by following the aforementioned methods, you can easily get rid of your corroded faucet.

You can also think of replacing your tap with a newer one but it can be quite expensive.

We’ve covered both chemical methods and homemade aspects so that you can reap maximum benefits from our methods.

The good thing about the aforementioned methods is that they can give you extremely good results in an epigrammatic span of time.

That’s all, as of now :):)
