How to Fix a Crack in a Composite Granite Sink?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

How To Fix A Crack In A Composite Granite Sink
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Well, in this post, I would be walking you through various aspects of fixing a crack in your composite granite sink.

Moreover, all the steps and methods that we would be discussing in this post are quick, easy, and less time-consuming.

So, even though you’re a newbie, you can easily expedite these steps on your own without any need for expert guidance.

Just for your information, we’ve been recommending these methods to our clientele and the feedback has been positive and promising.

After we were confident and sure that these methods work, we decided to bring it to a wide range of audiences via our blog

So, without any further ado, let’s begin…

It goes without saying that a composite granite sink NOT ONLY adds loads and loads of value to your kitchen but also syncs well with the interiors.

Correct me, if I’m wrong.

And, when it comes to robustness, durability, and longevity, a composite granite sink NOT only beats its competitors with a tangible margin but also proves its mettle.

But, at the same time, like any other kitchen sink, a granite composite sink can also develop cracks in the long run.

Most of the time, it has been found that the sole reason for unwanted cracks is the mishandling of a composite granite sink including improper installation and dropping of heavy and sharp dishes and utensils.

Never even dare to IGNORE small cracks because with the passage of time they will become a pain for you.

So, it’s always advisable to treat small and tiny cracks as soon as possible in order to avoid the potential danger that they can cause.

Steps Involved In Fixing A Composite Granite Sink

All the methods and steps that we’re gonna share in a while are newbie-friendly and easy to expedite without any need for expert guidance.

In case of any query or doubts, feel FREE to reach out to us, and we would be more than happy to assist you.

List of Materials Required for Expediting the Repairing Process

Below is the list of items that you need to be handy with in order to prevent any last-minute misadventure.

  • Epoxy filler of a color that merges with your sink
  • Plastic spatula
  • Cleaning materials such as cloth, sponge, and scouring powder
  • Newspapers and tape
  • Warm and cold water
  • Protective gloves and goggles
  • 400-grit sandpaper to 3000-grit sandpaper
  • Buffing wheels with wet and dry pads

Clean Your Composite Granite Sink Thoroughly

First thing first, you need to thoroughly clean your composite granite sink which includes but is not limited to getting rid of specks of dirt, debris, food particles, dust, etc.

You need to pour the scouring powder on the surface of your sink and make the sponge or cloth wet with warm water.

Now, use the cloth to scrub the nooks and corners of your composite granite sink.

By doing so, you would be able to get rid of water spots as well as mild surface scratches.

Use a dry cloth for rinsing and wiping your sink.

If you STILL find some deep scratches then you’ve to use 400-grit sandpaper for scrubbing the scratches till the time they become smooth.

Again, you’ll have to rinse and wipe your sink with a dry cloth.

Before moving to the next step, make sure your composite granite sink is properly dry.

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Prepare Your Composite Granite Sink

Post step 1, the cracks in your granite sink would be clearly visible from your naked eyes.

Examine them.

Flush along the sides of the cracks, and use tape to fix them.

By surrounding the cracked zone with tape, you would be able to confine the material from getting spread across the sink.

Mixing the Epoxy

It wouldn’t be wrong to say it is the heart of the repairing process and so needs special attention.

Moreover, before you expedite this step, I would request you to cover your entire body with a cloth as well as wear gloves and goggles.

Expoxy resins are adhesives and comprise of two parts, that is, a filler and a hardener.

The unique thing about Expoxy resins is that they differ from one another in terms of how to be mixed.

For the best result, I would recommend you should follow the instructions on the cover of the epoxy that you’ve bought.

Let’s have a quick look at the general instructions that are followed in most of the cases.

  • Open the filler and take out a small amount using a mixing stick.
  • Put that amount in a paper cup that is going to hold the epoxy for your use. 
  • Open the hardener and take out a little amount–the ratio is 30 parts of filler to 1 part of hardener.

If you’re interested in getting the color of the epoxy as close as your sink’s color, you must tint post the hardener.

Once the hardener is mixed with the epoxy, the latter will get harden in last than 2 minutes.

So, you should mix only the quantity required per crack.

Also, expedite the hardener mixing step for each crack separately.

Once you’re done with the aforementioned steps, you can proceed to the NEXT step.

Fill the Cracks With Epoxy

Once you’ve pointed out and highlighted the cracks that you want to deal with, all you need to do is to pour epoxy into it.

If needed, push epoxy into cracks using a plastic spatula.

Don’t forget to level epoxy with the rest of the sink surface else it will do more bad than good.

Expedited the entire epoxy filling process slowly and gradually so that spillover could be avoided.

In order to optimize the outcome, you must wipe the spatula on the edges of the cracks so that resin materials could be prevented from spilling out.

Dealing with small and tiny cracks is slightly tricky.

Use the spatula to apply and spread the epoxy so that the cracks are on a level with the rest of the sink surface.

Once you’re done with filling all the cracks with epoxy, the next thing that you need to do is to thoroughly wipe away any excess material present outside the cracks.

Allow the epoxy to settle down, and wait for it to expedite the curing process.

If the cracks are bigger and bulky then the wait time maybe a couple of days.

However, in general, the cure time is in the range of 24 and 48 hours.

In case of an element of doubt, you can refer to the instructions mentioned on the epoxy package.

When it comes to reusing your sink, wait for at least 3 days, else you may end up messing everything, and the worst part is, all your efforts might go into vain.

Polishing the Sink

Polishing your composite granite sink comes under the optional step and isn’t the must-have.

If the epoxy color is different from your sink and the outcomes in terms of look and feel aren’t as per your expectation, then it’s high time, you need to expedite the polishing process for your sink.

The polishing is the last step in the entire process and would only expedite when your sink is READY for use.

  • Using mild dishwashing soap and sponger, thoroughly clean the excess epoxy or any other material that should not be on your sink surface, taking care not to pry open the cracks themselves. 
  • Using first the wet pads of the buffing wheel, polish the repaired area. 
  • Then use the dry pads to do the same. 
  • Starting with the 400-grit, work up to the 3000-grit sandpaper and polish the area.
  • Since we’re dealing with a composite granite sink you’ll have to apply a sealer in order to prevent staining
  • If needed, consult a professional for it

Post the repairing process, for good health and shiny appearance, you need to maintain your composite granite sink properly.

For everyday cleaning, you should use mild dishwashing soap.

And, for keeping it shinning, you must add a coat of cooking oil.

Can a Cracked Composite Sink be Repaired?

Frankly speaking, as compared to other types of kitchen sinks, a composite sink is relatively easier to repair which might come as surprise to you but it’s fact, and I’m making such strong claims based on my past experience and the knowledge that I’ve gathered over more than a decade.

In layman’s terms, a composite sink repair is a relatively simple endeavor and can be done in an epigrammatic span of time without any hassle.

It can be done when the stone-based fixture gets its annual sealing.

However, the best time to repair the cracks, chips, or gouge is when you’ve first noticed them.

The early you deal with these nasty cracks, the better you minimize the risks.

Trust me, with minimal effort and some specific tools, you would be able to restore your composite granite sink to its pristine condition quickly.

Can You Repair a Crack in a Granite Sink?

To be honest, it DEPENDS.

In fact, small and tiny cracks are easily repairable.

But, at the same time, large cracks take a special effort for their repairment and the result might not be the same as the small cracks.

You can easily repair small and tiny cracks in your home without any need for expert guidance.

All you need to do is to follow the steps that we’ve shared in this post.

What Kind of Epoxy Do You Use on Granite?

From my past experience and the knowledge that I’ve gathered over more than a decade, all I can say is Lamlock RocketGel – Instant Epoxy will do the trick for you when it comes to repairing a composite granite sink.

The unique thing about this epoxy is that it is specifically formulated for granite and other natural stone products.

What is Granite Composite Material?

First of all, a granite composite material isn’t the same as solid granite.

In simple words, a granite composite is an engineered blend of crushed quartz, stone dust, and acrylic resins.

As compared to solid granite, a composite counterpart is durable, lighter, and comes with lower maintenance as well.

Can You Paint a Granite Composite Sink?

Definitely, you can paint a granite composite sink but you need to be careful and follow certain rules that we’re gonna discuss in a while.

  • Make sure NOT to paint a granite composite sink until and unless it has been sanded, or else finish will fail
  • Also, do not paint over an unprimed granite sink, or the paint will peel
  • Refrain from using an ordinary oil-based or acrylic latex paint to coat a granite sink as it will NOT provide enough durability

How Much Does It Cost to Repair Cracked Granite?

Frankly speaking, there isn’t any hard and fast rule when it comes to the cost involved in repairing a cracked granite.

To a large extent, the cost depends upon the size, shape, and depth of the crack.

For example, filling a chip or scratch will cost you roughly in the range of $200 and $500.

On the other hand, if the crack is large then the repair cost may shoot up to even $700.

Last but not least, tiny and very small cracks that fall under the DIY category can cost you in the range of $10 and $100.

Can I Use Gorilla Epoxy on Granite?

Yes, you can use Gorilla Epoxy on Granite surface and it is capable of filling gaps up to 1/6th of an inch.

Can You Use Bar Keepers Friend on Granite Composite Sinks?

Definitely, you can use Bar Keepers Friend on granite composite sinks, thanks to their non-abrasive characteristics.

It can be used to get rid of water spots, soap film buildups, specks of dirt, etc.

Apply the Bar Keepers Friend on your granite composite sink post cleaning it thoroughly.

Scrub the areas where the dirt, debris, etc have accumulated.

Finally, rinse and wipe the sink dry with a clean, soft cloth.

Are Granite Composite Sinks Easy to Clean?

Definitely, granite composite sinks are easy to clean and will not consume much of your time as well.

However, if proper maintenance is not done on a regular basis then it may lose its vibrant color.

Are Hairline Cracks in Granite Normal?

Well, a hairline crack in a granite composite sink isn’t NORMAL at all but it can occur due to numerous reasons.

For example, a hairline crack may occur during the installation process if excessive pressure is applied or the plumber isn’t experienced enough to expedite the installation process in a correct way.

Of course, hairline cracks are quite frequent in a granite composite sink because granite is very heavy, rigid, and difficult to maneuver.

On the other hand, if the crack is NOT separated and doesn’t have a lip then it’s usually not a point of concern.

Can Granite Crack from Cold?

No, not at all.

In simple words, granite doesn’t crack in cold weather as long as it’s properly sealed.

For your information, it’s more vulnerable during thawing season, so you need to pay special attention to the application of your sealant.

Wrapping Up | How To Fix A Crack In A Composite Granite Sink

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your notice that I along with my core team have put loads and loads of effort into coming up with this idiosyncratic superlative piece of information on how to fix a crack in a composite granite sink.

And, in case, you liked our effort and want to appreciate us then please do share this post with like-minded people and the ones who are in need of it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

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