How To Make A Hole Bigger In A Ceramic Sink?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

How To Make A Hole Bigger In A Ceramic Sink
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Well, in this post, I would be walking you through various ways of making a hole in a ceramic sink in order to help you make an informed decision.

Furthermore, I would also be throwing light on do’s and don’ts in order to help you clear your doubts before you expedite the process.

So, without any further ado, let’s begin…

As we all know ceramic sinks are hard, durable, and long-lasting so making a hole wider without causing breakage isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

On top of it, because of its density, a ceramic sink is prone to fracturing whenever a concentrated force is applied to any one area.

Though drilling can easily wider the hole in a ceramic sink still you may not achieve your goal in case, you’re a newbie or doing it for the first time.

Problems arise when you want to enlarge the existing holes in your sink to accommodate drains, handles, or even faucet spout entryways.

The good news is, just by following some simple steps, you would be able to ensure that your ceramic sink doesn’t break when making these bigger holes.

Steps Involved in Making a Bigger Hole in Your Ceramic Sink

We would be discussing three methods that you can use to make a hole bigger in your ceramic sink.

All the methods that we’re gonna discuss in a while are beginner’s friendly and will not consume much of your time.

Let’s have an in-depth discussion so that most of your doubts are cleared if NOT ALL.

Using a Diamond-Tipped Drill Bit

You need to be handy with the list of items mentioned below in order to prevent any last-minute misadventure.

  • Chalk pencil
  • Safety goggles and gloves
  • Diamond-tipped drill bit
  • Coldwater

Step 1:

First and foremost, you need to outline the boundary of the hole so that you’re well aware of the location where the drilling needs to be done.

Secondly, wear gloves and goggles in order to prevent any unprecedented event.

When it comes to drilling, you need to ensure that you’re taking the smallest of your diamond-tipped drill bits and then begin drilling as close to the center of the hole as possible.

We at suggest moving the drill in the clockwise direction.

Make sure you’re using a light touch and refrain from forcing the drill bit down towards the sink, as this could cause ceramic to even break in the worst scenario.

It’s always good to be SAFE than SORRY, isn’t it?

Step 2:

While drilling makes sure you’re not extending the time for more than 20 seconds at one go.

In fact, after every 10 to 15 seconds, you need to stop drilling and rinse off your drill bit with cold water.

On the contrary, continuous drilling can cause cracking.

The problem with the drill bits is that they lead to the creation of heat which doesn’t sync well with your ceramic sink.

In short, a tangible difference in the temperature can initiate the cracking of your ceramic sink.

Another big problem associated with continuous drilling is that it encourages breakage by placing too much stress on your ceramic sink.

So, in order to prevent chipping or fractures, you need to clean off the bit with cold water so that a higher temperature can be neutralized.

Step 3

You can slowly and gradually increase the size of your drill bits as the hole gets wider.

Make sure you’re allowing the drill action to do all the work for you.

Refrain from pressing the drill machine downward as it will do more bad than good to you.

Furthermore, you need to guide your drill in a circular motion until you reach your chalk boundary line.

Once you’re done with the aforementioned steps, all you need to do is to rinse out your sink so that debris, specks of dirt, etc get cleared.

Don’t forget to wipe down the area around the hole in order to clear away any chalk residue or debris.

Using a Drill Bit with a Makeshift Water Spigot

Be ready with the below-mentioned materials.

  • Chalk pencil
  • Safety goggles and gloves
  • Diamond-tipped drill bit
  • Large empty bucket
  • Gallon jug of cold water
  • 1/8 inch nail
  • Outdoor work area, or an indoor location that can be covered with tarps

Step 1

First thing first, move your sink and materials to an outdoor location, or else you can cover the indoor location with plastic tarps so that spills or even any mess can be kept at bay.

The next thing that needs to be done is positioning the sink in a sturdy work area.

Mark the location where you would be drilling the hole and then place a bucket beneath your sink.

Before moving to the next step, make sure to put on safety goggles and gloves in preparation for drilling.

Step 2

Have a jug handy and fill it with cold water.

Well, the idea here is to create a makeshift spigot that will allow a thin stream of water to constantly stream over the hole where you’ll be drilling.

Furthermore, the continuous flow of water over the drill bit will do the trick for you as it will not only make your drilling smoother but also faster.

And, the best part is, the probability of ceramic sink cracking will significantly get reduced.

Trust me, creating the spigot is a quick, easy, and less time-consuming process.

Well, to create a spigot, all you need to do is to puncture the side of your gallon jug with the nail and remove the latter once you’re ready for expediting the drilling process.

Now, it’s time to place your jug in the sink near the hole in such a way that you would be drilling with the nail facing the hole.

Step 3

Once you’re done with the aforementioned steps, the next thing that needs to be done is of course drilling.

Before you initiate the drilling make sure that you’ve taken the nail out of your jug and have allowed the small stream of water to cascade over your drill site.

In order to make your drilling experience idiosyncratic, smooth, and convenient, the water needs to flow continuously over your drill bit as you drill in a gentle, and clockwise fashion.

Make sure to only drill for not more than 20 seconds at one go in order to prevent any last-minute debacle.

Refrain from exerting any downward pressure on the drill.

In case, you’re NOT comfortable with the nail & jug method, then, in that case, you can ask someone to stand nearby and steadily pour water near your drill site as you begin your drilling.

However, make sure the stream poured by another person isn’t very fast or a large stream.

In layman’s terms, the amount of water needed should be sufficient to keep the drill bit wet.

Too much and too fast water isn’t good as it can not only obscure your vision but also lead to unnecessary splashing.

Step 4

As soon as you finish drilling, empty the bucket beneath your sink and clean up any spills or splashing that may have occurred.

Dry out your sink and also, clean out all the specks of dirt, debris, food particles, etc.

Using a Diamond-Tipped Hole Saw with Pilot Hole

A list of materials required for this method is mentioned below.

  •  Chalk pencil
  • Safety goggles and gloves
  • Diamond-tipped hole saw the exact size of the hole you want to drill
  • A piece of plywood slightly larger than your desired sinkhole
  • Water

Step 1

With the help of caulk draw the outline of the hole in your sink.

Well, at a workstation separate from your sink, take the piece of plywood and measure and trace the hole size you wish to drill into the ceramic sink.

Step 2

Make sure you’ve put on your gloves and goggles so that you can deal effectively with an unprecedented situation if any.

Drill the hole into the plywood using a diamond-tipped hole saw.

You can consider this as a “pilot” hole.

Step 3

Now, it’s time to position the drilled plywood over the outlined sinkhole.

The next thing that you need to do is to pour a little water into the plywood hole.

By doing so, you would be able to keep the area wet while you’re drilling through the sink.

Actually, we simply want to keep the ceramic and the saw wet in order to make drilling safe and hassle-free.

Step 4

Once you’ve expedited the aforementioned steps, it’s time now to place the hole saw into the plywood hole, lining it up with the chalk outline on the sink.

In order to reap maximum benefits out of this step, you need to ensure that your drill is perpendicular to the ceramic surface and NOT ANGLED.

Drill through the ceramic.

Most importantly, refrain from pressing onto the drill.

The reason why we prefer a hole saw is its ability to drill a large hole into your sink with just one motion, interesting, isn’t it?

On the downside, if you’re not handling a hole saw in the correct manner then the chances of cracking increase.

Also, a hole saw is larger as compared to a smaller drill bit so you can expect the former to be more forceful.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, make sure you’re handling the tool with care.

In case, you’re NOT comfortable with using the plywood pilot hole, then you can place a masking tape over the ceramic before drilling.

The tape will do the trick for you by giving your hole saw better traction on the smooth ceramic.

Wrap Up

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your notice that I along with my core team have put loads and loads of effort into coming up with this idiosyncratic superlative piece of information on the topic of how to make a hole bigger and wider in a ceramic sink.

And, in case, you liked our effort and want to appreciate us then please do share this post with like-minded people and the ones who are searching for it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

Cutting long-story-short, making a wider and a bigger hole in a ceramic sink can be quite tricky at times especially if you’re NOT doing the things the RIGHT WAY.

However, by following the aforementioned steps, you can easily do the needful in an epigrammatic span of time effortlessly.

From my past experience, all I can say is key to SUCCESS is understanding the materials that you’re working with and how good is to work with them.

That’s all, as of now:):)

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