Lower pH Level: Well, in this post, I would be discussing lowering pH levels in your pool.
Trust me, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, after reading this comprehensive guide on pH levels, you would be able to make pH levels-related decisions quickly and effortlessly.
So, without any further ado, let’s begin…
To start with, in order to maintain a healthy swimming ambiance, you need to keep the pool chemistry level balanced.
And, failing to do so will give rise to a series of problems, isn’t it?
Moreover, if by any means the pool chemistry goes for a toss then it will take a lot of time to restore it.
So, play safe and don’t ignore pool chemistry balance.
Similarly, pH levels are of great importance and even a slight imbalance can cause lots of pain in your butt.
I’m not joking at all.
A very higher level of pH level in your pool water would drastically degrade the effectiveness of free chlorine leading to the growth of algae and bacteria.
So, to deal with such an unprecedented situation, you need to be on your toes when it comes to testing pH.
The best practices involve regular testing of pH levels.
Wait…Don’t get scared of all the aforementioned JAGRAN.
I’m here to help you out with the pH level problems.
Just stay with us to know in-depth about some of the finest solutions that we’ve been using quite a few times to deal with higher pH levels.
How To Lower And Balance pH Level In Pool | Beginner’s Guide
To be honest, our core team has put loads and loads of effort into coming up with this comprehensive guide on how to lower pH levels in the pool.
So, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, please thoroughly read the post as we’ve bundled all the information in one place in order to help you reap maximum benefits.
In case, you think we’ve missed out on anything, please do let us know in the comment section.
What is pH?
Well, pH is the scale used to measure the nature of the water, that is, acidic or alkaline.
So, in the context of pool water, pH is used to measure “total acid-alkalinity balance”.
In layman’s terms, a pH is used to determine whether your pool is acidic or basic in nature.
pH can measure on a scale of 1 to 14.
However, in the case of pool water, the pH should fall in the range of 7.2 and 7.6.
Furthermore, the lower the pH value the more acidic your pool would be and vice-versa.
A pH of 7 depicts total neutrality, that is, neither acidic nor alkaline.
If you’re a newbie then you might not be aware of the fact that both lower and higher pH isn’t good for your pool.
Acidic water is known for corroding your equipment as well as causing skin and eye irritation.
On the other hand, if the water is too alkaline then it will lead to scaling and cloudy water.
Why should I lower my pool’s pH balance?
As discussed earlier, if your pool has a high pH level then definitely, things would mess up, and unfortunately, you’ll have to face a series of problems for which you might not be well prepared.
As the pH level will surge, the intensity of problems would increase.
Not only will it encourage algae and other bacteria growth but also the pool water would be unhealthy for the swimmers.
Skin itching and irritation are some of the common problems caused due to increase pH levels.
Let’s have a quick look at some of the common problems that a swimmer might have to face when swimming in a high-pH pool of water.
- Scaling
- Skin and eye irritation
- Cloudy water
- High chlorine demand
- Clogged filters and pipe
I know for many of you, problems such as clogged filters and scaling might not sound a serious concern, right?
But, a frequent clogged filters and scaling can severely impact the circulation of pool water as well as put a strain on the pool’s equipment.
And, thus would force you to think of innovative and cost-effective ways to get rid of such problems.
Remember, it’s always good to deal with any problem when it is small.
Severe scaling in a pipe would prevent the water to pass through it at a constant speed.
And, the worst part is, the pool pump would be pushing water through the pipes at a similar pace as before but because of the scaling problem, the system wouldn’t be able to handle it effectively.
In the worst-case scenario, the pipe can even burst or lead to the burning of the motor.
Well, whatever might be the end result, you’ll end up paying expensive repair bills.
Why is my pool pH balance so high?
Well, before, we discuss what can be done to deal with a high pH balance.
Please allow me to help you understand the reason behind the high pH levels.
Does it make sense?
Anything between 7.2 and 7.6 is considered a normal pH range, and of course, a pH of 7.4 is considered ideal.
But, at the same time, you need to understand that it’s NOT at all easy to maintain the pH in the normal range, and trust me, there is more than one reason for it.
In case, you’re seeing a spike in pH once in a while, then definitely you don’t have to worry too much.
However, if you’re battling hard to keep the pH in the normal range then definitely there is something fishy.
Needless to say, pH is an extremely unstable parameter and it takes a lot of effort to keep it controlled and under the normal range.
Try to understand it this way, pH levels can be influenced by almost anything and everything entering the pool.
However, I would love to walk you through some of the causes that are predominantly involved in pH level fluctuation.
High Alkalinity
Well, when total alkalinity is on the higher side then it will also raise the pH levels almost 100 percent of the time.
These two factors are interlinked and thus influence each other to a great extent.
Loopholes in Chemical Measurement
It goes without saying that certain chemicals and products are added to raise alkalinity and pH levels.
Moreover, if you’ve added the amount in abundance in an epigrammatic span of time then it might backfire by raising the pH levels far more than the normal range.
So, be careful while adding such pieces of stuff.
Pool Shock
Shocking your pool is an important activity that needs to be performed once in a while for the proper functioning of the pool.
But, if you’re using calcium hypochlorite for shocking purposes then the probability is very high that it will raise your pool’s pH levels drastically.
Moreover, my suggestion would be to NOT STOP shocking your pool.
And, at the same time, don’t compromise on testing chemistry levels as well.
In fact, you should test all your chemistry levels, especially after the pool shock.
Lower pH Levels With the Help of these Products
So, here I come with some of the best products that you can use to lower pH levels effortlessly.
Mainly, two chemicals are used to lower pH levels in pools, that is sodium bisulfate and muriatic acid.
But, the problem is, both have the potential to damage your pool surface as well as your skin.
So, it’s highly recommended that you take proper precautionary measures, right?
Always wear goggles, gloves, and face masks while using the aforementioned chemicals for lowering the pH of your pool.
Products with the name “pH reducer” are readily available on the market to help you expedite the task with ease.
Let’s have a quick look at some of my favorite products that I recommend to my clientele with open heart and soul.
Sodium Bisulfate
Well, sodium bisulfate or dry acid comes in a fine powder form so it is really important to NOT use it on a windy day.
To be honest, sodium bisulfate is a much milder chemical as compared to muriatic acid.
The good thing about sodium bisulfate is that it is safer to use and store.
Muriatic Acid
Muriatic acid is popularly known as hydrochloric acid, and it is the same acid some people use acid wash tiles that have extreme calcium buildup.
The acid is extensively used in both steel and rock industries.
Dissolving rock is one of the most common uses of muriatic acid.
Muriatic acid is definitely a very strong chemical and is available in mostly liquid form.
Irrespective of whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, you need to use muriatic acid with caution.
Furthermore, as compared to sodium bisulfate, muriatic acid is faster and quicker when it comes to lowering pH levels.
How to lower pH levels using sodium bisulfate?
Sodium bisulfate is a common chemical that is used to lower the pH levels of your pool water.
But, at the same time, you need to be patient because it’s a time-consuming and tedious task.
However, I would request you NOT use it on a windy day as it comes in powder form.
Choose a day when the wind is blowing slowly and gradually.
Test pH and Alkalinity
Before doing anything else you need to expedite testing for both pH and alkalinity.
The pH level should be in the range of 7.2 and 7.6 and alkalinity should fall in the range of 80 and 120 parts per million.
Compare the test readings with the recommended range to come to a conclusion.
If the observation depicts that the levels are on a higher end then you don’t have an option but to lower them.
Chemical Measurement
In this step, you need to read the manufacturer’s instructions in order to get an idea about the amount of product that you need to add based on your current reading.
Well, most experts would recommend you to add somewhere around 3/4th of what’s recommended initially to be on the safer side.
The chemical measurement step is very crucial for the success of the entire process and hence you need to be very careful in expediting the same.
Chemical Addition
To start with, pour the powder straight into your return jet sites where the water enters the pool.
At the same time, refrain from adding it to the skimmer.
In the case of above-ground pools, you don’t have an option but to circulate the water yourself and spread chemicals around with your hands.
Allow Chemicals to Dissolve
Here comes the role of an effective filtration system.
Allow the filtration system to circulate the chemical.
If your filtration system is functioning properly then it wouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to completely dissolve the chemical.
Re-Test and Repeat the Process
The success of the entire process depends on re-testing to some extent.
However, you don’t have to re-test immediately rather you can wait for a few hours and then expedite the re-testing process.
But, at the same time, make sure that the re-testing is done within 24 hours.
Repetition of the process occurs when pH and alkalinity don’t fall well within the prescribed range.
All you need to do is to add 3/4th of what the instructions call each time.
Last but not least, repeat the aforementioned step until and unless you achieve the RESULT.
How to lower the pH level using muriatic acid?
If you’re an avid reader of this blog then definitely you would’ve read about muriatic acid in my previous post, right?
In case, you missed out, then it’s my humble request to go back and read my comprehensive guide on muriatic acid especially if you’re a newbie.
If I can remember, already we’ve talked about the dangers of using muriatic acid.
So, always take essential preventive measures in order to prevent any last-hour misadventure.
Don’t forget to wear goggles, gloves, and a face mask.
Though you can use it on a windy day as it’s not in powder form still I would recommend you to utilize a calm day for this adventure.
pH and Alkalinity Testing
First and foremost, you need to test for the pH and alkalinity levels to know and understand the current pool chemistry scenario.
As we all know, the pH level should fall in the range of 7.2 and 7.6.
Similarly, alkalinity should fall in the range of 80 and 120 parts per million.
If the reading shows any of these chemicals above the permitted range, then definitely you need to take the help of muriatic acid.
Chemicals Measurement
The next step in the list would be the chemical measurement.
Moreover, read the manufacturer’s instructions to find out exactly the amount of products that need to be added in order to raise the necessary levels.
Add the Chemical
Well, this is the most crucial step as you need to add muriatic acid.
Definitely, one way is to turn off the pump and pour a slow and steady stream of muriatic acid at the deep end of the pool water.
As a result, the chemical would reach even to the bottom of the pool and not only get stuck to the top level.
For better circulation, you need to turn on the pump.
The other way you can add muriatic acid is by pouring it into the pool using return jets and allowing the pump to circulate it across the pool.
But, if you own an above-ground pool then the chemical mixing might become tricky at times.
In the case of the above-ground pool, the muriatic acid should be added in various spots in a slow way so that the problem of acid getting accumulated at one location can be avoided.
For the best result, you can circulate the water manually but while doing so, don’t forget to put on gloves.
Allow the Chemical to Dissolve
In this step, you need to give some time to your filtration system so that it can circulate the chemical.
Moreover, it should be well distributed within a few hours.
Re-Testing and Repetition
Once you’ve expedited the aforementioned steps, it is equally important for you to re-test the pH and alkalinity.
After the re-testing, it is your duty to ensure that the reading is in alignment with the prescribed ranges.
On the other hand, if the ranges are still on a higher side then add about ¾ of what the instructions call for each time and do the re-testing after 6 hours.
I know it’s a time-consuming and tedious process, but trust me, there isn’t any shortcut else I would’ve told you about the same.
Quick Tips for Keeping pH Levels Balance
I agree with you that pH is a very unstable parameter and can get affected by many factors.
But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t keep the pH level balanced, right?
All you need to do is to expedite maintenance tasks on a regular basis so that pH levels are balanced.
Pool Chemistry Testing
Well, you need to test your pool chemistry twice a week in order to track the imbalance quickly and fastly.
However, if the pH level isn’t under control then my suggestion would be to expedite the testing process every day.
People often ignore testing twice a week assuming it would take a lot of time but the fact is once you get used to the process, it wouldn’t take much of your time.
To be honest, correcting the mistake would take much more time compared to testing pool chemistry.
Keep Your Pool Clean
Yes, you heard it RIGHT!
Keeping your pool clean would help you to get rid of quite a few problems.
Many of you might not be aware of the fact that even dirty leaves can affect your pool’s pH balance.
So, try to keep it as clear from debris as you can.
It is highly recommended that you use a pool skimmer to clear out the junk every day.
Check Your Filtration System Regularly
If your pool filter is properly maintained and works effectively then you need to put less extra effort to keep the water clean and balanced.
Shock Your Pool Regularly
Shocking your pool is one of the most effective ways to restore all the chemistry levels to normal so you should use it at least once a month if not MORE.
However, during the rainy season or high usage months, you should increase the frequency of the shocking.
It’s A Wrap
It’s always a good choice to test complete pool chemistry on a frequent basis.
ESPECIALLY, in rainy seasons or when the temperature has suddenly surged, you need to shock your pool to prevent any misadventure including cloudy water, green pool, etc.
You need to keep track of chemical imbalances to deal with the problems when they are in the nascent stage.
Furthermore, if you’re finding it difficult to find an effective solution to your pool problem then it’s better to contact a pool expert.
Last but not least, share this piece of information with the ones who are in need of it.
After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?
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