How To Get Rid Of Foam In Pool

Beginner Info, Pool

how to get rid of foam in pool
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So, how to get rid of foam in your pool?

Well, if you’ve landed on this page then I’m assuming that you’re in search of an effective solution to get rid of foam in your pool.

As a consultant, I’ve been exposed to queries related to pool foam now and then, and trust me, when I bought my first pool, I also struggled a lot with this problem.

So, if you’re struggling to get rid of foam in your pool then nothing new in it.

As a pool owner, you’ve to deal with such problems now and then.

At first glance, foamy pools give you a very sophisticated look, something sort of giant bubbles, right?

Unfortunately, the foamy pool isn’t good at all for the swimmers because what it actually means is that your pool water is too thick.

Stay with us, we’re gonna decode foamy pool today for you.

Our discussion would revolve around the cause of the pool foam, ways to get rid of pool foam, and preventive measures that we can take to prevent its reoccurrence.

Sounds GREAT?

So, without any further ado, let’s begin…

How To Get Rid Of Foam In Your Pool | Beginner’s Guide

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, the information that I’m gonna share with you will definitely help in getting rid of foam in your pool with ease.

In case of any doubt or query, do reach out to us via the contact form, and our core team would be more than happy to assist you.

What causes pool foam?

Pool foam can be caused due to the presence of loads and loads of organic debris including hair, sweat, skin, oils, beauty products, leaves, and algae in your pool water.

The second most obvious reason for pool foam could be too much algaecide or other cheap chemicals that tend to have additives.

Moreover, the presence of organic debris as well as cheap chemicals makes your pool water thick and air from the pool’s jets adds volume to it resulting in bubbles.

So, now you’ve got a pretty well good idea about the reason behind pool foam, right?

Let’s make our hands a bit more dirty by digging more into pool foam.

There can be numerous reasons that could contribute to the accumulation of organic debris in your pool water including pool water not being changed for a very long time, the presence of lots of swimmers, an ineffective filtration system, and many more…

So, now, you’ve got a fair idea of why this debris gets accumulated, right?

In the next few steps, I would walk you through some of the best possible solutions to prevent any last-hour misadventure.

Does it make sense?

How to get rid of pool foam quickly?

To build confidence in you, let’s begin with some good news.

Even though you’re just starting out, you can easily tackle pool foam without any hassle.

But, at the same time, if you’re doing it for the first time, then it might consume a bit more of your time.

How much time would a pool foam take to get cleared would depend to some extent on what is the reason behind the foam creation.

Let’s understand it with an example.

If the reason for bubble formation is algaecide or cheap chemicals then it will break down on its own and things would be restored in just a couple of days.

On the other hand, if the cause behind the bubble formation is a high concentration of organic matter in your pool water, then things could turn ugly.

So, in that case, you’ll need to expedite heavy-duty cleaning.

Test Your Pool Chemistry

First and foremost, you need to test your pool chemistry with an effective pool water testing kit so that the readings are accurate.

The probability is very high that the chlorine level wouldn’t be in its normal range.

At the same time, you also need to check the pH and alkalinity readings.

The normal pH range is 7.2 to 7.6, and 7.4 is ideal.

On the other hand, the normal alkalinity level should be in the range of 100 and 150 ppm (parts per million).

If anyone of the aforementioned parameters isn’t in their normal range, then expedite the correct measures.

Shock Your Pool

A slightly foamy pool can be well taken care of by adjusting the chemical levels and bringing them back to their normal range.

On the other hand, if your pool water has become really dirty due to the accumulation of loads and loads of organic debris then it’s high time that you figure out some highly effective solutions.

One thing that you can do right away is shock your pool.

Depending upon the circumstances, you can go for either chlorine or non-chlorine shock.

If you’re opting for chlorine shock then do it in the absence of sunlight to get the best result.

If you’re shocking your pool in the evening then allow it to work for the whole night without any disturbance and the very next morning, you need to check all the levels and balance them.

Moreover, if needed, expedite the process, again.

Drain and Refill

Well, if your pool chemistry is way off or your pool has received swimmers in abundance in an epigrammatic span of time, then I would suggest you should drain a good amount of your pool water and then add fresh water to your pool.

Once you’re done with the aforementioned step, you can even opt for shocking your pool to achieve the optimum outcome.

Then, expedite pool chemical tests, and balance them if needed.

Try an Anti-Foam Chemical

In case, you’re NOT satisfied with the performance of the aforementioned chemicals then definitely, you can opt for an anti-foam chemical as it will help you in dissolving the foam quickly.

Anti-foam chemicals could work extremely well if you clean your pool on a regular basis.

As per my experience, it has performed well against mild to medium foam.

In the extreme case, when the pool is too dirty due to the accumulation of organic debris then, your pool should be shocked as well as cleaned thoroughly.

Check Your Filtration System

In case, you’re finding it really difficult to figure out the real cause of debris formation in your pool then you should also check your filtration system thoroughly to ensure whether it’s working perfectly or NOT.

Things that you can do are backwash the skimmers, check for calcium buildup, ensure that the motor is functioning properly, etc.

How to prevent pool foaming?

So, if you’ve faced the pool foaming problem then definitely, you would’ve understood the efforts that you need to put in to clean your pool from foaming, right?

So, why not take some serious steps that would prevent the formation of foam in your pool?

Allow me to quickly walk you through some of them.

Shower Before Swimming

First and foremost, you need to ask your swimmers to take a quick shower before entering the pool.

By doing so, the chances of organic chemicals getting accumulated in your pool water decrease drastically as bathing will wash away any lotion or product present on the swimmer’s body.

Keep a Track of Algaecide

People often do mistakes in the selection of algaecide.

Especially, if foaming has become a regular problem for you then definitely, you need to think twice before buying the same algaecide again.

The best thing that you can do is replace your current algaecide with a better version or non-foaming version to drastically reduce the chance of reoccurrence of foaming.

Clean Your Pool

Lastly, keep your pool as clean as possible.

It is mandatory to check your pool chemistry on a regular basis and shock it once a month if the pool is under regular use.

If there is a surge in the number of swimmers then definitely, you need to increase the frequency of shocking your pool.

Trust me, if the chemicals are well-balanced then a lot of problems would be at bay.

In short, keeping the pool clean and maintaining it on a regular basis would do the trick for you.

It’s A Wrap

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Trust me, I along with my core team puts loads and loads of effort into coming up with a comprehensive guide on pool equipment, tips, and tricks.

But, at the same time, your appreciation and feedback play a crucial role in shaping our future content strategy.

So, kindly rate us on a scale of 1 to 5 with the latter being the best.

Coming back to the post, pool foam isn’t something to brag about.

Instead, it’s the accumulation of organic debris in your pool that makes the water thick and not suitable for swimming.

It goes without saying that getting rid of pool foam isn’t a tedious task at all.

However, preventing its occurrence is much easier.

Last but not least, share this piece of information with the ones who are in need of it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

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