How To Cap Off Polybutylene Pipe?

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How To Cap Off Polybutylene Pipe
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So, how to cap off polybutylene pipe?

Well, in this post, I would be walking you through the nuts and bolts of how to cap off polybutylene pipe so that you can make an informed decision.

Frankly speaking, I’ve tried quite a few methods and finally ended up on Sharkbite-type units, and you know what, the results were amazing and mind-boggling.

In layman’s terms, I would be recommending whole-heartedly Sharkbite-type units for temporary caps.

They come with high-quality and durable Orings and teeth that keep them under pressure and unprecedented situation.

And, the best part is, they can be taken off and reused without the use of any specific or costly tools.

Trust me, I’ve been using them as I was doing the work in the house.

All I do is take them off when I start the day and cap off at night so that I can turn the water back on.

Another good quality product similar to Sharkbite is COPRO Quick connection fitting.

Unlike Sharkbite, the COPRO is repairable and full flow.

Also, COPRO is made up of non-toxic materials.

How To Cap Off Polybutylene Pipe?

Well, I’m attaching a self-explanatory video for your perusal.

If you still have any doubts or queries post watching the video, feel free to reach out to us via the contact form and our core team would be more than happy to assist you.

Sorry, but it’s true that Polybutylene pipes will fail some or other day if your home still has them.

So, what can be better than being proactive in replacing these little yet notorious beasts?

What Is Polybutylene Pipe?

Polybutylene pipe is nothing but grey plastic tubing that was quite popular as a water supply plumbing pipe in the ’90s.

Pipe rupturing was the major cause of concern with Polybutylene and so sooner than later it was discontinued.

CPVC and PEX were the ones that replaced Polybutylene pipe.

Also, to some extent copper took its place because of its durability, and longevity characteristics.

How to Repairs PB Piping Systems?

Trust me, repairing of PB piping system is a tedious and time-consuming task because neither PB plumbing pipe nor the Quest fittings used to connect it are commonly made or sold anymore.

So, if your home is still comprised of a PB piping system then the best option would be to replace them at the earliest.

However, if you’re interested in repairing the system then stay with us as we would be throwing light on various aspects of a PB piping system.

Does it make sense?

What I would suggest is to make repairs to the damaged sections of PB by transitioning to another type of pipe or even to repipe the entire system.

When it comes to the fitting type that you can use for transitioning from Polybutylene, you’ve got a couple of options.

In fact, the outside diameter of the PB tubing is the same as for PEX, CPVC, and copper pipe so you can think of using push-fit fittings.

Else, you can also try a specific transition fitting designed specifically for transition between the two different materials.

We always encourage our clients to upgrade to a new piping system if the current one is outdated.

Push-Fit Fittings

Well, push-fit fittings are mainly sold under the brand name Sharkbite or Gatorbite and are considered the easiest way to repair the PB pipe system.

Pinhole Leaks

Any accessible location including a mobile home has a small leak visible with the naked eye in a straight length of pipe is easily repairable with the help of a push-on fitting.

All you need to do is to cut out the pinhole area and push on the repair coupling.

Well, you need to be perfect when it comes to measurement else you might end up cutting away more of the pipe portion than required resulting in more bad than good.

Are we on the same page?

Replacing Shut-off Valves or Fixture Supply Tubes

Well, it goes without saying that Push-on shut-off valves are perhaps the best option for this repair, and trust me, there are numerous reasons for it.

Many of the newbies and first-time buyers wouldn’t be aware of the fact that with new flex-line water supply tubes and push-on valves, changing the water supply line to either a toilet or a faucet is a hassle-free task.

You need to follow the below-mentioned steps and you’re done.

  • First and foremost, you need to shutt off the main water supply to your house
  • Then, you need to remove the old flex line from the fixture
  • Once you’ve expedited the aforementioned steps, all you need to do is to cut back the PB pipe, push on a new shut-off valve, and connect a new flex line
  • Last but not least, turn on the water supply and check for the leakage if any

Replacing Large Sections of Pipe

When it comes to replacing large sections of pipe you can also try push-on couplings to transition from PB to PEX, CPVC, or copper.

It could be a great option if you love breaking a tedious and time-consuming project into small fragments and doing one at a time.

All you need to do is to connect to the PB pipe with a push-on coupling and run the new pipe from that point.

PB-to-PEX Transition Couplings

Till now, the repairing methods that we’ve discussed work perfectly fine with the accessible location.

But, what if the location is partially accessible?

Well, in that case, the best thing that you can do is to use a transition coupling designed specifically to transition from polybutylene to PEX pipe.

The PB-to-PEX transition coupling is NOT ONLY made from brass but also compensates for the difference in the inside diameter of PB pipe and PEX.

Moreover, these transition couplings come with two different crimp rings and each one of them has an associated function attached to it.

The function of the first crimp ring is to secure the transition fitting to the PB pipe while the other is primarily involved in securing the transition to PEX.

Leaks Inside Walls

In the case of a PB pipe or joint leaking inside the wall, you need to replace the damaged section with a non-PB pipe for the optimum result.

For the best result, you need to use a transition coupling to convert that section to PEX.

It’s always a good practice to transit close to the leak.

Else, you can follow the length of the pipe and as per your feasibility and possibility replace as much of the pipe as you can.

Valves Inside Walls

Well, when installing or replacing a shower valve or any other valve inside the wall, it’s always good to use a transition coupling to connect to a new PEX riser to the PB system, and this does wonder especially in the scenario when there isn’t any access panel.

Also, you can think of getting an access panel installed in order to make future work hassle-free and less time-consuming.

Washing Machine Valves

I wouldn’t deny the fact that push-on washing machine valves designed for PB are available but at the same time, you need to understand that they are difficult to find.

A PB-to-PEX transition fitting is definitely a convenient option.

Once transitioning to PEX is done, you need to install a washing machine valve specifically made for PEX tubing.

Wrapping Up | How To Cap Off Polybutylene Pipe

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your notice that I along with my core team have put loads and loads of effort in coming up with this idiosyncratic superlative piece of information on how to cap off Polybutylene pipe.

And, in case, you liked our effort and wants to appreciate us then please do share this post with the like-minded people and the ones who are in need for it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

That’s all, as of now :):)

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