Are you facing a problem connecting Ecobee Thermostat to Google Home Mini?
If your answer is yes, then stay tuned with us.
By the end of this blog post, you will learn the ways to resolve the aforementioned query.
As a Smart Home Consultant, I’ve tried a couple of voice assistants like Google Home and Alexa. In this post, I’ll talk only about
The connection process is quite easy and less time-consuming. Without any further ado, let’s begin…
Setup Instructions
- Open the Google Home App
- Go to Devices
- Select the Ecobee icon
- Enter the Ecobee username and password
- Authorize the application
Whether it’s Ecobee3, Ecobee3 Lite or Ecobee 4, Google Home Mini supports all the versions.
Some of my clients had an issue with connecting Ecobee3 (Non-Lite) with the Google Home. I’ll try to help you in resolving this.
Are you seeing Ecobee3 in the Google Home app or not?
Well, try the following steps, and you’re done. Feel free to comment on any doubt or query.
Ecobee3 (Non-Lite)
- Go to Google Assistant
- Press Settings
- Then, press Home Control
- Finally, p
ress the Plus Icon - You’ll get an Option where you’ve to add the Ecobee and also link the Ecobee account
Voice Commands
If I can recall sometimes back you’ve to use some programs such as IFTTT (if this then that) to use Ecobee Thermostats with the Google Home Mini.
Now, you don’t have to worry about IFTTT or any other similar programs. Trust me, I’m NOT kidding.
There is a huge list of commands built in such a way that you can use it with Ecobee using your Google Home Mini.
- “Hey Google, what’s the <thermostat name> set to?”
- “Ok Google, set the temperature to <temperature>”
- “Hey Google, increase the temperature in the <thermostat name>”(defaults to 5-degree increase)
You can check the entire list of commands here.
Which One is Better: Google Home Mini or Alexa
I’m assuming that you have an Ecobee thermostat, and you’re planning to integrate it with a smart voice assistant such as Google Home Mini or Alexa.
Fortunately, I got an opportunity to use both the smart voice assistant.
They have an almost equal setup time. Both works extremely fine.
However, I found Humidity a big problem in both cases.
Let’s talk more about the Humidity in the next section.
Do Smart Voice Assistants support Humidity features?
Well, the obvious answer is a BIG NO…
Both Google Home Mini and Alexa don’t support humidity features when you’re using Ecobee.
I ask both Alexa and Google Home Mini the same question, ” what is the humidity in the television room?”, and you’ll be astonished to know what they replied.
Alexa: “Television room doesn’t support that”
Google Home Mini: “Sorry, I’m unable to reach the television room right now, please try again”
I feel humidity features can be a great addition to the smart voice assistants as it will allow you to check the humidity of a particular area such as the garage, basement, etc without going there to check.
Let us know your view on this in the comment section.
If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, then you’ll be well aware of my love for the Ecobee Thermostats.
Trust me, I always recommend this product to my clients because of its credibility and budget-friendly nature.
The integration of a smart voice assistant like Google Home Mini gives me the feasibility to change the temperature of any room without being there.
I hope you would have gained some knowledge from this article, and if you like this post, then share it with your friends and colleagues. After all, sharing is caring.