What Can I Do With An Old Belfast Sink?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

What Can I Do With An Old Belfast Sink

So, what can I do with an old Belfast sink? Let’s find out… Well, from my past experience and the knowledge that I’ve gathered over two decades, all I can say is NOT ALL OLD SINKS should be disposed of as waste. In fact, most of them including the Belfast sink can be reused and recycled. Furthermore, an old Belfast … Read More

How Do You Seal A Belfast Sink?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

How Do You Seal A Belfast Sink

So, how do you seal a Belfast sink? Let’s find out… Well, in this post, I would be walking you through the nuts and bolts of how do you seal a Belfast sink in order to help you make an informed decision. Moreover, I would also be throwing light on various aspects of sealing a Belfast sink to help especially … Read More

Are Belfast Sinks Worth It?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

Are Belfast Sinks Worth It

So, are Belfast sinks worth it? Well, if you’re a first-time buyer then chances are REALLY high that you might be wondering whether to buy or NOT a Belfast sink. Let’s find out… One of the important features that put a Belfast sink in a different league altogether is its ability to create more of a focal point in your … Read More

How To Fit Taps To A Belfast Sink

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

How To Fit Taps To A Belfast Sink

So, how to fit taps to a Belfast sink? Well, in this post, I would be discussing the in and out of how to fit taps to a Belfast sink so that you can make an informed decision and expedite the process without any hassle. Frankly speaking, the steps and methods that we would be discussing in a while are … Read More

Can You Repaint A Belfast Sink?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

Can You Repaint A Belfast Sink

So, can you repaint a Belfast sink? Let’s find out… Well, in this post, I would be walking you through various aspects of repainting a Belfast sink in order to help you make an informed decision. Moreover, I would also be discussing the nuts and bolts of Belfast sink repainting in order to help you clear your doubts before you … Read More

Do Belfast Sinks Scratch Easily?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

Do Belfast Sinks Scratch Easily

Are you on the lookout for a genuine answer to the question, do Belfast sinks scratch easily? Well, if that is the case, then stay with us till the end as we would be discussing the nuts and bolts of a Belfast sink in order to make an informed decision. Coming back to the question, do Belfast sinks scratch easily? … Read More

How To Re-enamel A Belfast Sink

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

How To Re-enamel A Belfast Sink

So, how to re-enamel a Belfast sink? Well, in this post, I would be walking you through nuts and bolts of how to re-enamel a Belfast sink in order to help you make an informed decision. Moreover, I would also be throwing light on various aspects of re-enameling a Belfast sink in order to help you clear your doubts before … Read More

Can You Refurbish A Belfast Sink?

Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

Can You Refurbish A Belfast Sink

Well, can you refurbish a Belfast sink? Let’s find out… To be honest, you can refurbish any sink including the Belfast sink by simply following the below-mentioned steps. The steps that we’re gonna discuss in a while have been tried and tested by our clients in the past, and you know what, the results have been mind-boggling. In case of … Read More

Belfast Sink Vs. Stainless Steel

Comparison, Kitchen, Sink

Belfast Sink Vs. Stainless Steel

Belfast Sink Vs. Stainless Steel: Are you on the lookout for an unbiased comparison between Belfast Sink and Stainless Steel? Well, if that is the case, then trust me, you’ve landed on the genuine post wherein we would be discussing the nuts and bolts of Belfast Sink Vs. Stainless Steel in order to help you make an informed purchase decision. … Read More