Are you on the lookout for the best under-sink water heater? Well, in this post, I would be walking you through some of the best under sink heaters available on the market, right now. Moreover, I’ll also be throwing light on various aspects of an under sink heater in order to help you make an informed buying decision. Lastly, I … Read More
How To Soundproof Room From Outside Noise
In this post, I’ll walk you through various aspects of soundproofing a room from outside noise. Well, all the methods that we’re gonna discuss are highly effective and budget-friendly. So, even though you’re on a shoestring budget, you can implement most of these methods. So, keep reading to solve your problem TODAY… As a soundproof consultant with a decade of … Read More
Pros And Cons Of A Tankless Water Heater: An Honest Opinion
When you’re evaluating a tankless water heater, it is really important that you’re well aware of both the pros and the cons in order to make an informed buying decision. In this post, I would be walking you through various aspects of a tankless water heater so that you can make an unbiased decision of bringing it home or NOT. … Read More
Tankless Water Heater vs. Boiler: What’s the Difference?
Tankless Water Heater vs. Boiler: What’s the WHOA? Today, I’m gonna end this age-old debate regarding the major differences between a tankless heater and a boiler. In this post, we would be covering the below topics in order to help you with the necessary piece of information for which you’ve landed on this post. So, without any further ado, let’s … Read More
How Do You Repair a Hairline Crack in a Fireclay Sink?
So, how to repair a hairline crack in a Fireclay sink? Let’s find out… Trust me, as compared to other kitchen sinks, repairing a fireclay sink is quick and easy. Features such as robust construction, durability, and longevity make a fireclay sink a preferred choice among homeowners. Do Fireclay Sinks Crack? Unfortunately, a fireclay sink does crack but the good … Read More
Rinnai Error Code 65
In this post, I’ll walk you through Rinnai Error Code 65 in order to help you in the best possible way that I can. Moreover, I’ll also be discussing various aspects of Rinnai Error Code 65 so that you can make an informed decision. Rinnai Error Code 65 is easy to handle and troubleshoot and you can expedite the fixing … Read More
Tankless Water Heater Vs. Solar Water Heater | Better Pick
Tankless Water Heater Vs. Solar Water Heater: To be honest, both tankless and solar water heaters come with their own sets of pros and cons. Saying anyone better than others would be a WRONG statement at least for a consultant like me who is in the industry for over 2 decades now. Trust me, the term “best” is relative and … Read More
How To Soundproof A Floor
Well, in this post, I’ll walk you through the various aspects of soundproofing a floor to help you make an informed decision. Moreover, you don’t need to worry even though you’re on a shoestring budget. Most of the methods that we’ve covered in this post are budget-friendly as well as highly effective. Furthermore, in the end, we’ll also discuss the … Read More
Can you run out of hot water with a tankless water heater?
Quite a few years back, when I was buying my first tankless water heater, I was inquisitive to know whether a tankless version of hot water will never run out of water? I know quite a few first-time buyers go through a similar query now and then, right? Don’t worry, today I’m gonna end this age-old debate about the claims … Read More
How To Soundproof A Room With Blankets
Can we soundproof a room using blankets? Well, in this post, I’ll walk you through the various aspects of soundproofing a room using blankets. As a soundproof consultant, I’ve had an opportunity to deal with distinctive soundproofing problems. Though it’s natural and nothing is so special to brag about I would recommend that you have a basic knowledge of the … Read More