Black Algae In Pool: How To Get Rid Of?

Beginner Info, Pool

black algae in pool
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Black Algae: Well, in this post, I would be walking you through various aspects of black algae in order to help you make an informed decision.

Furthermore, I would be responding to queries related to black algae so that you can achieve optimum results in an epigrammatic span of time without any hassle.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive in…

In my pool algae post, I’ve briefly discussed that black algae are the most dreaded variant of the algae family, and if it has flooded your pool then definitely, you’ll have to put loads and loads of effort into getting rid of this devil.

Trust me, it would definitely cause pain in your butt because simply shocking your pool or chlorinating it a couple of times wouldn’t give you the desired result.

But, before we have an in-depth discussion on how to get rid of black algae, it’s really important that you have a fair idea about why black algae are so bad for your pool and the preventive measures that you can take to prevent its reoccurrence.

I’ve got a couple of pools and trust me, I’ve struggled at times to get rid of black algae.

Anyways, without wasting any time, let’s get straight to the topic.

Does it make sense?

What are black algae and why are they bad for your swimming pool?

Black algae are one of their kind and definitely, the most dreaded in the algae family.

The worst part is, black algae can quickly blossom in your pool, and can even cause severe structural damage.

On the other hand, green and pink algae are relatively less harmful and can be easily cleaned also.

One of the reasons why the black algae can be a pain in your butt is the capability of its root to easily penetrate into cracks.

Chlorination doesn’t work well with black algae because of the presence of multiple protective layers.

The problem can further aggravate if your pool resides in a hot region.

Lack of proper filtration, high pH levels, low chlorine, etc can make the environment favorable for black algae blossom.

On top of it, the black algae have a horrible appearance.

However, the good news is, most humans wouldn’t be harmed directly by the presence of black algae in the pool.

But, at the same time, it can indirectly impact your health because it can harbor harmful bacteria like E.coli.

Nonetheless, don’t confuse every dark spot in your pool with black algae.

Black algae aren’t easy to identify, sometimes the newbie confuses black algae with other things.

As per the information shared on the pool center blog, the below points would help you in the easy identification of black algae.

  • Black algae aren’t free-floating rather they possess spots that are black or blue-green with raised heads
  • Mostly, you’ll find black algae in the rough areas of pool plaster
  • Unlike other types of algae, black algae don’t brush off the wall easily
  • Unfortunately, the black algae could be found in pools even with proper filtration and sanitation
  • Moreover, don’t confuse black algae with mineral staining as the latter might discolor the pool surface but can’t be scrapped

How to prevent black algae from growing into your pool?

If you don’t wanna waste your time and money, then definitely, prevention is the best solution.

In simple words, if you’ll fail in stopping the occurrence of black algae then be prepared to spend hours getting rid of it.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the hacks that would prevent the blossom of black algae in your pool.

Handle Your Swim Suit Appropriately

You need to be very careful with your swimming suit if you want to prevent the occurrence of black algae.

After swimming in the ocean, you must clean and dry your swimsuit to prevent any last-hour misadventure.

For all those who don’t know that the black algae can get into your pool in numerous ways, it is really important to understand that one of the most common ways of algae blossom is the use of a swimsuit that has been previously used in ocean water.

The algae spore present in the ocean water would stick to the swimsuit and hop off in the pool for the very first chance it will get there.

So, be sure to bleach the swimsuit before using it in your pool.

Maintain Pool Chemistry Level

Yes, you heard it, RIGHT!

A balanced pool chemistry level would help you in preventing the algae from blossoming in your pool.

Moreover, regularly checking and regulating your pool’s chemistry including pH levels, alkalinity, and chlorine levels would do the trick for you.

As a pool owner, it’s solely your responsibility to keep track of pool’s chemical balance to prevent black algae from invading the pool.

Run Your Pump And Filter Regularly

The tiny black algae spores can be handled effectively by running the pump for 8 to 12 hours per day.

For the best result, you need to ensure that the filter is working effectively.

Vacuum And Brush Your Pool Regularly

If you’re brushing the surface of your pool and vacuuming it once a week, then definitely, most of your problems regarding black algae would be taken care of.

Not only black algae but also bacteria and debris would be at bay.

Keep Pool Equipment And Pool Toy Clean And Sanitized

As a preventive measure, it is highly advisable that you keep pool equipment and pool toy clean and sanitized.

By doing so, you’ll restrict algae spores from entering your pool.

Shock Your Pool Regularly

Shocking your pool every week is a great way to refrain algae spores from entering your pool.

And, if by any chance black algae spores make it to your pool, then shocking your pool with heavy chlorine product treatment would be able to kill them along with other unwanted bacteria present in the pool.

I hope you would’ve thoroughly enjoyed the aforementioned steps that would prevent the blossom of black algae.

How to remove black algae from your pool quickly?

But, what if the black algae have invaded your pool?

Don’t worry at all, we would be sharing the tips and tricks in a while that had helped us to tackle the black algae effectively.

All you need to do is to follow the simple steps that we’re gonna discuss in a while.

Get Ready With the Supplies…

  • Pool Brush and Pole
  • Pool Shock Treatment
  • Chlorine Tablets
  • Granular Chlorine
  • Algaecide

Unique Steps That Need To Be Followed For Getting Rid Of Black Algae

Well, moving further, we would be discussing some of the important steps that you need to follow in order to get rid of black algae effortlessly.

All the below-mentioned steps have been tried by our clientele, and after seeing success time and again, we’ve decided to recommend them to the readers of

Sanitize Your Tools

It goes without saying that each and everything needs to be sanitized before you use them in your pool to prevent algae spores from entering the pool.

The best way to sanitize your pool is by scrubbing and spraying it down with the help of a chlorine solution.

Clean Your Filters

Needless to say, if black algae spores are present in your pool, then they must be present in a tangible amount in your pool filter.

Well, if you don’t find spores in the filter with your naked eyes then it doesn’t mean that they aren’t present in your pool.

Filter cleaning is easy and wouldn’t consume a lot of your time if things are done rightly.

Be sure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and directions for cleaning the filter.

For the optimum result, you need to backwash and rinse D.E./ sand filters a couple of times.

Scrub the Surface

Using an effective brush you can scrub the walls and bottom of your pool to loosen the algae spores so that they can be washed away easily and quickly.

For the best result, you need to brush the pool a couple of times so that even the minutes of the algae spores are washed away.

But, before expediting the scrubbing process, it is equally important to confirm that the black algae are actually present.

For removing the protective layer of black algae you might be needing the help of a wire brush.

If you’re using a vinyl pool, then it’s a piece of good news for you.

Yes, you heard it, RIGHT!

Vinyl pool is comparatively less susceptible to algae, and in case, the black algae invade your pool then you can use a soft bristle pool.

Scrub With Chlorine Tablets

Before you start scrubbing the infected areas with chlorine tablets, it is important for you to wear hand gloves, face masks, and goggles.

I’m assuming that the protective layers of the algae have been scrubbed off properly, and so that the chlorine can penetrate well and get to the roots.

Moreover, scrubbing with chlorine tablets would help you in eradicating the black algae in a better way.

You can even break the tablet into two halves and use the rough side to scrape the algae.

Shock Your Pool

Definitely, shocking your pool is an important step when it comes to dealing with black algae in an effective manner.

Shock treatment is an effective way to deal with bacteria and algae spores that are not visible to the naked eye.

However, if your pool is badly invaded with black algae then definitely, you’ll need a super shock chlorine treatment.

Well, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the optimum outcome.

As per my knowledge and experience, 30 parts per million (ppm) of chlorination would do the trick for you.

The aggressive chlorination would damage and de-structure the DNA of black algae, and as a result, it would be easy to remove them.

Add Granular Chlorine

By adding granular chlorine, black algae can be effectively tackled with ease.

For the best result, I highly recommend that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Apply granular chlorine aggressively to the areas where you’ve scrubbed away algae patches.

However, refrain from expediting this step in case your pool has dark surfaces as it might cause discoloration.

Add Algaecide

As the name suggests, algaecide is a chemical manufactured exclusively for controlling and killing algae.

On average, one bottle of algaecide can effectively treat 15,000 gallons of pool water.

Use it accordingly for achieving an optimum result.

Run Your Pump

For getting the best result, you need to run your pump for the next 24 hours continuously after the treatment, but before starting the pump, give it at least 24 hours to settle things in place.

Henceforth, as per your pool requirement, run the pump every day for 8 to 12 hours.

However, if your pool has suddenly turned green or dark-colored then you need to run the pump as soon as possible to prevent discoloration of your pool’s surface.

Keep Brushing

Many of you might not believe but the fact is that brushing could be an effective way to keep track of algae.

Brushing your pool a couple of times every day would help you in removing algae spores before they can be a pain in your butt.

Clean Your Filter

It is REALLY important that you clean your filter again in order to remove the algae spores that you’ve brushed away from the side or bottom of your pool.

D.E. filter and sand filter need to be backwash and rinsed off a couple of times to ensure that you’ve removed bacteria, algae, and organisms if present.

Check For Algae Again

Once you’ve expedited the aforementioned steps, you need to check for algae once again.

You should also check for the pool chemistry balance to further ensure that everything has fallen well in place.

In case, you find that the black algae in your pool are stubborn then you need to shock your pool again and also expedite the brushing process at least a couple of times a day to achieve an optimum result.

It’s A Wrap

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Moreover, I along with my team have done loads and loads of work to come up with this comprehensive guide on black algae.

And, in case, you loved our work and want to appreciate us for our effort then please do rate us on a scale of 1 to 5 with the latter being the best.

Coming straight back to the topic, once you’ve expedited the aforementioned steps, now it’s high time that you sit and enjoy.

Even though you’ve got success in getting rid of black algae, you should be expediting certain things on a regular basis including brushing, vacuuming, checking the pool’s chemistry levels, and cleaning out filters.

Moreover, you should run a pool pump on a regular basis for at least 8 to 12 hours every day in order to prevent water from getting stagnant.

Last but not least, share this piece of information with the ones who are in need of it.

After all, sharing is caring!

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