Infant Car Seat Vs. Convertible Car Seat

Car Seat, Comparison

Infant car seat vs convertible
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A lot of my clients especially the ladies becoming moms for the very first time come to me with the query, Should I buy an Infant car seat or a convertible seat?

Are you also struggling to find an answer to a similar query?

Trust me, today we’re gonna end this age-old debate, and of course for a good reason.

Keep reading, as we would be revealing the nuts and bolts of Infant Car Seat Vs. Convertible Seat so that you would be able to make an informed buying decision.

When I became a MOM for the very first time, the feeling was so amazing that I can’t express it in words.

To be honest, I was wondering how to find out the best car seat for my newly born baby.

I was looking for a car seat that was a unique blend of safety and comfortability, and I wasn’t ready to compromise on any of the two parameters.

Well, I’ve seen parents struggling to find out which one to choose from an infant car seat vs. a convertible car seat, and such a thing happens just because they aren’t informed totally about the product.

Needless to say, like any other product in this world both infant car seats and convertible car seats come with their own sets of pros and cons.

Infant Car Seat Vs. Convertible Seat

Frankly speaking, it would be difficult for me to choose a product on your behalf.

However, I would be discussing every aspect of these car seats so that you can make an informed buying decision with ease.

It is really important for you to understand the main difference between the two and why both products exist in the market.

Infant Car Seat Vs. Convertible Seat Comparison Chart

FeaturesInfant Car SeatConvertible Car Seat
Installation & RemovalEasy and hassle-free processEasy to install, works as a permanent attachment, DIFFICULT to remove
Seating position Rear-facing positionBoth rear-facing and front-facing position
Usability SpanAt max, two yearsUp to 6 years
PortabilityThe lightweight and compact size makes it highly portableThe Heavyweight and size of the seat make it less portable
Stroller CompatibilityMajority are compatibleNot compatible
Safety and ComfortThe weight and size of the seat make it less portableHighly safe but comfortability can be an issue, especially with the newly born baby
Cost-EffectivenessLow, but you need to reinvest for a convertible after 2 yearsVery high, this is a long-term investment

Should I Buy An Infant Car Seat?

Since you’ve landed on this post I’m assuming that you’re inquisitive about knowing whether you should opt for an infant car seat or a convertible counterpart, right?

As per my experience and knowledge, I can affirm that both are viable options and picking one to a large extent depends upon your requirements and budget.

Let’s figure out why one should go with an infant car seat, and what benefits and values it brings to the table.

Perfectly Constructed Designed For Infant

From the name itself, you can get some idea that the car seat is exclusively designed and constructed for the newborn baby.

On top of it, the infant car seat comprises almost all the essential features that you might be looking for in your favorite infant car seat.

These uniquely designed car seats are newbie-friendly and possess easy-to-install steps.

Infant seats are made with a correct incline to keep an infant’s airways open.

The carrier portion is attached to a stable base that stays installed in your car.

Removal of carriers is quick and easy, and will not consume much of your time.

In simple words, the infant car seat is convenient and easy to use.

This type of car seat is highly safe as it is always rear-facing, and many of you would be aware of the fact that the middle spot of the second row is highly safe for kids in the car.

Since the design of this seat is buckle-style developing infants are well supported.

It provides your infant with better side impact protection, and the credit goes to the deeper shell that the seat comes with.

If you’re not aware then let me tell you, infant car seats have deeper shells and are also equipped with support cushions to deal with unprecedented events effectively.

They sync well with strollers and can clip right onto the stroller but such a thing can’t happen if you’re using a convertible car seat.

The infant car seats are perfect for newborn babies that aren’t big enough to sit in a stroller seat.

How Long Can You Use an Infant Car Seat?

The infant car seat can be used from the day she is born to the time she reaches maximum height and weight limit.

Typically, the height limit can be up to 32″ whereas the weight limit may fall in the range of 4 to 35 lbs.

Moreover, the height and weight range may vary depending on the make and model of the car seat.

Nonetheless, on average, an infant car seat can fit the child until 1 and 2 years of age.

And, the best part is, that many infant car seats are specifically designed for preemies while convertibles aren’t.

 From all the aforementioned information what we can infer is that you should purchase an infant car seat as your baby’s first seat and later on change it to a convertible or all-in-one seat. 

Infant Car Seat Pros

There are numerous pros of an infant car seat.

Let’s have a quick look at some of the important ones.


Parents like me give top priority to safety and fortunately, an infant car seat matches our expectations.

The infant car seats are equipped with advanced safety mechanisms, and thus your baby is in safe and secured hands.

On top of it, safety features such as a five-point harness, latch system, and side-impact prevention put infant car seats in a different league altogether.

Reliability is yet another parameter on which we give infant car seats full marks.

Sideways protection is an exclusive feature in an infant car seat.

Lightweight, Compact, And Portable

Most of the top-rated infant car seats are lightweight, compact, and portable.

And, irrespective of them being highly portable, they don’t compromise on safety features.

These little beasts can be easily installed and removed, and to expedite the installation process, you don’t need any expert guidance.

The ergonomic design and handlebar put these seats in a different league altogether.

Most infant car seats are so user-friendly and convenient that you can easily carry your baby without any hassle.

Most importantly, an infant car seat makes it possible for you to take your sleeping baby out of your car without disturbing her sleep.

Stroller Compatibility

The infant car seat gives you stroller compatibility which means you can simply unclip the carrier from your car and equip it in a stroller.

Well, this unique feature allows you to move your baby anywhere with ease irrespective of the fact that you’re a first-time buyer or a newbie.

For your information, most infant car seats are FAA-approved.

What actually it means is that your infant car seat is compatible to be used on an aircraft seat.

Infant Car Seat Cons

Like any other product, an infant car seat also comes with its own set of cons, so before making a purchase, you should be aware of some of the important cons.


By lifespan, here I mean the time span for which your infant would be able to use an infant car seat.

In simple words, an infant car seat will fit your child until a certain weight/height limit, and the maximum duration for which it would be useful for your kid is 2 years.

Once your kid has surpassed the age of 2 years, then you don’t have an option but to buy a convertible or all-in-one seat.

Cost Over Time

It goes without saying that if you’re a budget-sensitive buyer then definitely, you’ll find it a bit costly seeing the duration for which it is useful for your kid.

Once your kid has grown to 2 years, you’ll have to move to a convertible car seat or an all-in-one car seat.


For safety, infant car seats incorporate sufficient foaming.

However, it doesn’t come with a frame.

Unfortunately, the capability of an infant car seat to sustain impact force or pressure may not be too high.

Should I Buy A Convertible Car Seat?

The USP of a convertible car seat is uniquely designed in such a way that it can be adapted to a baby’s growth.

For example, if you’re buying a convertible car seat for a newly born baby then you can carry it forward till your baby is a toddler.

When your baby grows into a toddler then you can flip the convertible car seat from rear-facing to forward-facing.

Typically, for rear-facing, the weight limit can range from 5 to 40 lbs.

For forward-facing, the weight and height limit can be up to 80 lbs and 49″ respectively.

Moreover, on average they can last up to six years of the child’s age, that is, your kid’s preschool years and beyond.

Convertible Car Seat Pros

Let’s have a quick look at some of the advantages of convertible car seats that will help you understand why you should buy them.

Switchable Positions

If you’ll ask me, what is the USP of a convertible car seat, then I’ll say its ability to switch positions.

It can be easily switched from a rear-facing position to a forward-facing position and vice-versa.

And, because of this reason, you can use the same convertible car seat for accommodating a newborn baby as well as a toddler.


Your baby can use a convertible car seat for four to six years.

Furthermore, it comes with a wider range of weight capacity and higher height capacity, and as a result, you don’t have to invest in a new car seat too soon.


Not only are the convertible car seats robust and durable but also cost-effective in the long run.

In case, you’re on a shoestring budget then you can skip buying an infant car seat and switch over to a convertible variant as it can save you a good lump sum.

Enhanced Sturdiness

Many of you wouldn’t be aware of the fact that a convertible seat comes with a steel or aluminum frame that makes the seat very strong and durable.

In layman’s terms, they can withstand greater impact force.

Convertible Car Seat Cons

Frankly speaking, a convertible car seat comes with a set of cons and it’s my humble request to read it thoroughly before making a purchase.

Heavy-weight and Lack of Portability

I personally don’t like the fact that a convertible car seat is a complete unit and doesn’t come with a detachable base which makes it less portable for sure.

With the help of the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system or the car seatbelt, you can directly install it into your car.

The drawback of a convertible car seat is that the seat becomes quite heavy and bulky.

As mentioned earlier, the seat isn’t suitable for portability.

Unfortunately, once you’ve installed it, it isn’t easy to remove a convertible car seat.

Inaccuracy In Weight Limit

At first glance, the wide weight range might seem to be convincing, right?

But, the fact is, it isn’t always convincing, especially for infant babies.

And, if you’ve NOT PICKED a good quality convertible car seat then your baby might have to face problems such as discomfort and risk, especially the newly born baby.

Incompatibility With Strollers

Frankly speaking, due to bulkiness and size, convertible car seats are not compatible to be attached to a stroller.

As a result, the probability is very high that your baby’s sleep will be disrupted when you’re trying to take her out of your car.

Not all the convertible car seats are FAA certified so you need to look for the ones that are if you want to carry them in the aircraft.

It’s A Wrap

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your notice that I along with my core team have put loads and loads of effort into coming up with this idiosyncratic piece of information.

And, in case, you want to appreciate us, then please do share this information with like-minded people and the ones who are in need of it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

To cut a long long story short, selecting between Infant Car Seat Vs. Convertible Seat to a large extent depends on your requirements and the budget that you’re willing to spend.

As a parent of two adorable kids, one thing that I can’t compromise is SAFETY.

And, the good news is, in that respect both the seats are pretty comparable.

Nonetheless, many believe that infant car seats offer better comfort to the baby because of the specific style of the seat.

An infant car seat should be your pick if comfort, convenience, and portability are your top priority.

Most of our clients have opted for infant seats for their newborn babies considering the idiosyncratic features that they are equipped with.

They are easy to install and can be easily stored in small spaces.

However, if you’re on a shoestring budget and not willing to spend money for both an infant car seat and the convertible counterpart, then definitely, you should definitely opt for the convertible car seat.

The convertible car seat has a longer lifespan and will save you a good amount of money in the long run.

It is highly recommended that the child’s car seat must be rear-facing for at least the first year – the more the better.

Once your kid becomes slightly older you can opt for front-facing.

The safest place for an infant in a car seat is the middle spot of the second row.

Well, as long as your baby is safe and comfortable, you can choose the option that syncs well with your budget and requirements.

That’s all, as of now:):)

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