How Do You Get Spray Paint Off Porcelain Sink?

Bathroom, Beginner Info, Kitchen, Sink

How Do You Get Spray Paint Off Porcelain Sink
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Well, getting spray paint off your porcelain sink isn’t a big deal at all ONLY IF things are done correctly.

Trust me, doing things NOT the right way can do you more bad than good, and I’m saying this based on my own personal experience.

In layman’s terms, getting rid of any kind of paint isn’t rocket science, all you need to do is to trust the process and follow it till the time you’ve NOT achieved the end result.

You would be needing a combination of products and tools in order to expedite the process quickly, easily, and most importantly, successfully.

Steps Involved in Getting Rid Of Spray Paint From Your Porcelain Sink

So, here I come with beginners friendly ways to get rid of spray paint from your porcelain sink.

Knowing about the type of paint can give you an edge in cleaning.

You need to expedite the below-mentioned steps to find out whether the paint is oil or water-based.

  • Take a cotton cloth and dip it into denatured alcohol
  • Rub the paint hard with cotton for atleast a minute
  • Closely examine the cloth, if it’s clean then the paint is oil based
  • On the other hand, if the cloth is smeared with paint, then it’s water based

From my past knowledge and experience, all I can say is that Latex paints are water-based and of course the common cause of sink stains.

Most of the time, people commit the mistake of not covering their porcelain sinks while painting the walls or ceilings and as a result, paint splatters occur.

Anyways, now you’re aware of the kind of paint you’re gonna deal with so the things would be quick and easy.

Damp Cloth and Denatured Alcohol

As mentioned earlier also, in the case of water-based paint, cotton-soaked denatured alcohol will do the trick for you.

All you need to do is to keep rubbing the spray paint spill with the cloth till the time they get disappeared.

If denatured alcohol isn’t available then in that case, you can try your luck with a nail polish remover.

Opt for a Paint Stripper

I really like a paint stripper because of its affordability as well as the ability to deal with both water and oil-based paints effectively.

Just by performing the below-mentioned steps, you would be able to deal effectively with spray paint spills on your porcelain sink.

  • Make a thicker layer of paint stripper on the target area using a smooth brush
  • Initially, wait for 15 minutes and post that check whether the paint stripper has made any significant difference to the spray paint or NOT
  • If needed, put some more stripper and wait for 10 minutes
  • Before moving to the NEXT step, you need to make sure that the paint has soften up
  • Use a scraping tool to scoop the whole thing out
  • Both plastic paint scraper and ice scraper will do the trick for you
  • Once you’ve completed the scrapping process, the next thing that you need to do is to cleaning and rinse off the scrapped area with soapy water and soft scrub
  • Apart from eliminating the scrub, it will also neutralize the stripper

A word of caution: Cover your body fully along with your eyes and hands with gloves, goggles, etc before applying the paint stripper as it contains toxic chemicals.

Off-the-Shelf Extra Strong Cleaners

Well, we recommend using the combination of Bon Ami cleanser powder and a damp washcloth as it can get very old water-based paints easily off the porcelain sinks.

It goes without saying that the WD-40 lubricant spray works pretty well on both wet and dried-out oil-based paints.

And, the best part is, it is capable of removing rust stains from both porcelain and ceramic sinks.

Before you proceed with this method, I would request you to arrange a rag, a plastic scraping tool, dish soap, and a rag or non-scratch cloth scouring pad.

Once you’re ready with the aforementioned items, all you need to do is to expedite the below-mentioned steps.

Does it make sense?

  • First thing first, apply the cleaner on the paint and allow it to settle down for atleast 15 minutes
  • Once the paint begins to blister, with the help of a scraping tool scoop the paint off
  • In case, the paint is hard, nasty, and difficult to remove, then you need to re-apply the paint and wait for 10 more minutes
  • Scouring pad is an alternative to scraping tool and has given good result in the past
  • Once you’re done with scraping procedure the next thing that you need to do is to rinse the area with soapy water and a soft sponge to get rid of the residue

Using Solvent for Removing Oil-based Paint

This method is highly effective for removing oil-based paint.

Not only does I’ve expedited it successfully but also my clients have reaped the benefits.

With the help of turpentine, you need to rub off the paint.

However, if the paint is stubborn, nasty, and not ready to leave your porcelain sink, then you should try lacquer thinner or acetone.

The good thing about a porcelain sink is its ability to resist a wide range of chemicals so you don’t have to worry about these chemicals as they will not impact your sink adversely.

It goes without saying that these solvents are highly flammable so you must take precautionary measures including wearing a respirator and keeping the windows open in order to deal effectively with any last-minute misadventure.

Scrubbing the Paint off the Old-fashioned Way

I would suggest you should use this method ONLY IF you’ve not received satisfactory results from all the aforementioned steps.

Using a pumice stick you need to scrub the infected area.

At the same time, refrain from using steel wool as it can chip off the protective glaze coating of your porcelain sink.

Also, you can try an abrasive scrub pad along with a liquid softener.

Trust me, dealing with dried latex paint splotches isn’t difficult, all you need to do is to follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • To begin with, pour some liquid fabric softener in a bowl and then microwave it for a couple of seconds
  • Now, you need to pour the warm solution on the splotches and allow it to sit for sometime
  • It will soften up the paint a little
  • Use a nylon scrub pad you’ve to scrub the paint off and since the paint has slightly soften up so probability is quite high that it will come off easily

Scraping off the Paint

The thing that I really adore about a porcelain sink is the fact that it is designed for easy and quick cleaning.

Especially, in the case of semi-gloss latex paint and spray paint, you’ve to use a wire brush, or a plastic putty knife, or even a scrapping tool.

Trust me, out of all the methods we’ve discussed so far, this is the most aggressive one.

Unfortunately, sometimes the only way you’ve to get rid of old paint from your porcelain sink is SCRAPING.

If the paint is very stubborn and nasty, then you don’t have an option but to soften it.

Softening of paint can be done with the help of a metal putty knife, a razor blade, a hammer, and some kind of lubricating spray.

Let’s have a quick look at the steps involved in this method.

  • First thing first, apply the lubricating spray on the target area
  • Then, place the knife right on to the thickened paint rather than trying to work the blade between the paint and the surface
  • By doing so, you would be able to minimize the risk of damage
  • Till the time, the paint comes off, you need to bang the hammer on the handle repeatedly
  • In the rare of the rarest scenarios, slight damage may occur on the porcelain sink
  • So, in that case, you need to simply caulk it off

Try this method as your last weapon especially if you’ve got a glazed porcelain kitchen sink.

Well, the reason why I’m saying this is because these sinks are extremely prone to scratching so scraping it hard with something as hard as a putty knife or even a razor blade can do irreparable damage so you need to be very careful.


As we moved further, I would be responding to the queries related to How Do You Get Spray Paint Off Porcelain Sink in order to help you clear most of your doubts in the best possible manner that I could.

In case, I’ve NOT covered your question in this section then please do reach out to us via the contact form of, and our core team will respond back at the earliest.

Does vinegar remove spray paint?

To be honest, vinegar is an easy, inexpensive, and effective way to get rid of dried and stuck-on paint from your porcelain sink.

The thing that I really liked about the vinegar is that it is economical, environmentally friendly, and most importantly, removes stubborn paint with absolutely no toxic fumes, interesting, isn’t it?

Does WD-40 remove spray paint?

In simple words, yes, WD-40 is capable of removing overspray paint.

Moreover, I’m attaching a self-explanatory video for your perusal.

Does Goo Gone remove spray paint?

From my past experience and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated over years, all I can say is, Goo Gone Graffiti Remover is specifically formulated to loosen spray paint and make it easy to wash.

It’s safe to use on a wide range of materials including bricks and concretes.

Does rubbing alcohol remove paint?

Rubbing alcohol can help you in getting rid of Latex-based paint.

The process is simple, quick, easy, and less time-consuming.

All you need is alcohol, a rag, and enough time to go over the painted object and wipe away all its painted decorations.

Does T cut remove overspray?

Excessive lacquer can be easily removed by T-Cut in an epigrammatic span of time effortlessly.

I’ve personally used T-Cut cutting compound to remove lacquer overspray and trust me, it was quick, easy, and most importantly, a hassle-free experience.

Can I use acetone to remove overspray?

Definitely, you can use acetone to remove overspray.

In fact, acetone nail polish remover, detailing clay, and carnauba wax are among the most effective methods to remove overspray.

What removes spray paint graffiti?

When it comes to removing spray paint graffiti, lacquer thinner can do the trick for you.

The main ingredients of a lacquer thinner are acetone, amyl or ethyl acetate, ketone, and toluene.

It is highly effective at removing spray paints.

The best part is, it is capable of softening and dissolving most paints even after they’ve hardened.

How do you get spray paint off stucco?

First and foremost, you need to scrape away spray paint bit by bit with the help of a pumice stone.

In order to prevent the surface of the stucco from getting damaged, you need to expedite the scraping process slowly and gradually.

If some residue is still left post the scraping, then you need to take the help of 120-grit sandpaper to remove it.

The siding is prone to damage so handle them carefully.

How do you get wet spray paint off?

The wet spray paint is easy to remove as compared to hardened ones.

To begin with, squeeze a quarter teaspoon of liquid dish soap over the stained area gently, slowly, and carefully.

Rub the wet spray paint using a soft cloth in the circular motion for at least 5 minutes or till the time paint disappears.

Does white spirit remove spray paint?

I totally agree that using white spirit for removing spray paint has good success rate.

Perhaps, in most cases, it will work effectively.

Needless to say, exceptions are bound to be there and we can’t do anything for that.

The spray paint will slowly become thinner and gradually disappear after adding white spirit and rubbing the surface rigorously.

Does spray paint come off driveway?

Yes, spray paint comes off the driveway.

In fact, a mixture of soap and water will do the trick for you when it comes to removing spray paint on a driveway.

Apply the dish soap solution on the paint and with the help of a brush scrub the affected area.

Why is my spray paint dusting off?

To some extent, a hot climate is responsible for spray paint dusting off.

In fact, if you’re painting your outdoor walls in a hot climate then chances are very high that it might cause powder residue.

What actually happens is, paint spray dries before reaching the surface of the wall and unfortunately, it can’t be level because of too quick evaporation.

Furthermore, if you’re holding the spray paint can too far away then it will also contribute to dusting off.

Will a pressure washer remove spray paint from concrete?

Of course, a pressure washer is capable of removing spray paint from concrete.

In fact, it provides an efficient means to remove spray paint and other specks of dirt from porous concrete in exterior situations without the use of harmful potential chemicals.

And, the best part is, pressure washers are not only economical but also more convenient as compared to grinders and sandblasters.

Wrapping Up

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for being with us till the end.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your notice that I along with my core team have put loads and loads of effort into coming up with this idiosyncratic superlative piece of information on How Do You Get Spray Paint Off Porcelain Sinks?

And, in case, you liked our effort and want to appreciate us then please do share this post with like-minded people and the ones who are in search of it.

After all, sharing is caring, isn’t it?

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That’s all, as of now :):):)

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